[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 53 points 5 days ago

Similar to what others said, it is about control. The US state has complete control over how the "algorithm" feeds people the narratives that the US wants to feed them when it comes to the major social media platforms. But not with TikTok. It is not a national security threat in the way they want people to think it is, but it is a national security threat in that they can't force their curated propaganda through it as they see fit, like they can with the other platforms. It's a propaganda liability.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 4 points 6 days ago

Yep, I'm getting that too. Full error banner says:

The socket.io library could not be loaded from https://live.hexbear.net:8443/socket.io/socket.io.js. Ensure that it is not being blocked by a script blocking extension or firewall and try again.

Turned off ublock and umatrix extensions & firewall but still getting it. Looks like it's not a totally new issue.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 59 points 2 months ago

So you appear to be one of those dorks who thinks that all political positions exist only as a binary, falling somewhere on a spectrum between liberal and conservative. This is fucking stupid. It's not entirely your fault, since that's all that's allowed to be officially acknowledged in amerikkka, but really you should know better by now. Hell, you should know better simply by virtue of the fact you're posting your ignorance on a communist website. So apparently I'll be the first to inform you that both liberalism and conservatism are very similar rightwing ideologies, with conservatism being essentially another branch of liberalism. This is recognized by most of the rest of the world, even many other "LiBeRaL dEmOcRaCiEs." As communists, anarchists, leftists in general, we wholly reject liberalism and that includes conservatism (conservatism itself still subscribes to almost all liberal doctrine such as worship of private property). See, learn something new every day. :new the-more-you-know

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 45 points 2 months ago

I think AssortedBiscuits answered your question in the first couple sentences of their comment:

Most Westerners already hate communists and carry the grudge against the USSR. Anarchists don't really deviate too much from some generic Westerner.

It's really not any deeper than that. There's no need or reason to single out anarchists from any other average westerner when analyzing the source of animosity for the USSR because the answer is going to be the same whether you're talking about chuds, liberals, or anarchists. Even the non-western anarchists who hold a grudge against the USSR, the answer is probably still the same just because of the prevalence of western cultural hegemony all over the world. In your edit, you specify:

I'm curious about what information sources - mentors, friends, books, TV, cultural osmosis, conveys that information to people. Where do individuals encounter this information and how does it become important to them.

But the answer to that is the same information sources you yourself were probably exposed to early on. It's all the same shit we're steeped in, the ubiquity of anti-communism throughout western culture. Animal Farm and 1984 were required reading for me in junior high and high school respectively. The class discussions around these books were centered around teaching us that the USSR was corrupt, oppressive, and that these communist ideals that may sound like good ideas will always and invariably lead to "authoritarianism" and "totalitarian dictatorships" like the Soviet Union. Everyone absorbs that shit young, even the people who might later go on to question the truth of what they were taught, like anarchists.

You say

Newly minted Anarchists have to learn to hate Lenin and Stalin and whoever else they have a grudge against.

But no they don't. Not as newly-minted anarchists anyway. That brainworm software was already installed long ago before they became anarchists. A major part of becoming a leftist is going through a process of uninstalling all that brainworm malware. Anarchists who still hate the Soviet Union are people who have been successful at uninstalling much of the brainworm malware, it's just that they haven't completed the process by uninstalling the anti-Soviet or anti-"tankie" worms... yet. And I say all this as someone who long considered themself an anarchist.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 43 points 2 months ago

Alright this just struck me as so jesse-wtf on so many levels. Like, not just the randomness of GPS being the specific thing that is the singular modern miracle, not just that new-fangled technology existing that people who are now dead didn't get to experience is the reason why it's sad they're dead, but even why it is noteworthy that Helen Mirren has these thoughts, and why was she saying this of Kurt Cobain of all people?

I figured there had to be more context, and there is, but nowhere near enough to adequately answer my questions. Apparently though, this isn't a one-off. She is known for talking about Kurt Cobain and how modern technology relates to his death. what-the-hell

Of course, the comment came amid a broader point she was making about aging. “If you’re lucky, you get to be older,” she continued. “And then there you are. Oh my God, I’m 79! I never thought I’d be 79. And then you say, OK, well this is it. This is what 79 is. And it’s kind of OK. It’s not brilliant, but it was not that brilliant to be 25 either.”

Mirren has referenced Cobain numerous times in the past when discussing the nature of aging. In 2014, she told Oprah Winfrey, “Look at Kurt Cobain — he hardly even saw a computer! The digital stuff that’s going on is so exciting. I’m just so curious about what happens next.”

A year later, she told Cosmopolitan, “I was thinking about Kurt Cobain the other day and he died without knowing the internet, and I’m totally blown away by that.” And, in 2016, she said to the Daily Mail, “If I’d died at 27, the age that Kurt Cobain [of rock band Nirvana] died in 1994, I’d never have even known there was an internet! Incredible things are happening all the time and I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

I suppose it's mildly (very mildly) interesting to know that some celebrity I have a vague notion of (Mirren) is an unlikely fan of another celebrity who I was once a huge fan of. And I guess everyone has their own unique ways of contemplating their mortality. huh

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by QuietCupcake@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Edit: So it looks like there are a couple posts about how this crackdown is fake news. Even in this very thread, someone is doing that, though they actually don't have a clue as to what they're talking about.

No, this is not fake news. These sites that are still up are not fmovies, which was itself part of a large piracy network, the rest of which has been dismantled as well, as has been discussed in other posts here. The sites still up are merely copycat sites riding the success of fmovies and trying to cash in themselves. Not that there is anything necessarily wrong with that, and if you can still watch movies like you did with the real thing, great. But some of them it appears are not the most scrupulous of pirates and have or link to potentially dangerous malware.

Regardless, please don't jump to "fAkE nEwS!" accusations when you don't know what you're talking about. All you're doing is muddying the waters about what really is going on and possibly leading people to think that misleading, potentially dangerous sites are fine. Don't do that.

So that's what happened to my beloved free treat-dispensing Fmoviesz. It hasn't worked for a month or so, but now there's no more need to speculate exactly why. There has been a huge wave of "piracy" outfit takedowns recently, which is both sad and worrisome and I wonder why this is all happening so all of a sudden. Why the severe crackdown now? Or is it the sort of situation where a big domino fell and they're all connected? They're really making sure any hint of commons gets enclosed and demonize it in the meantime.

I also wonder about the political motivations of Vietnam to go along with this and make the actual arrests. Is it due just to pressure from the west? Does Vietnam have any stake in copyright laws and this takedown, or the precedent of it, does actually benefit them somehow? What's the deal with all that?

From the article:

The efforts marked “a stunning victory for casts, crews, writers, directors, studios, and the creative community across the globe”, said Charles Rivkin, chairman and CEO of the Hollywood trade group the Motion Picture Association (MPA) and the chairman of Ace, in a statement. Larissa Knapp, the executive vice-president and chief content protection officer for the MPA, said the takedown sent a “powerful deterrent message”.

“We look forward to ongoing joint efforts with Vietnamese authorities, US Homeland Security Investigations and the US Department of Justice International Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (Ichip) program to bring the criminal operators to justice,” she added.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 41 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Hey, since they came in here (~~which I honestly commend them for doing~~ edit, nm, I take that back, they didn't come in good faith but with a sarcastic "your feelings hurt, poor baby?" sneering insult.) someone explain to this brave antiauthoritarian lib that all governments, capitalist and communist and any other form will always use "authoritarianism," (which Nakoichi never said otherwise from what I could see). But that unless you're like a factory owner, landleech, CEO of a tech or oil conglomerate, or otherwise a member of the class that rules as part of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, then a state using its authority to prevent those leeches from exploiting you, a state using it's authority to maintain a society where people are free to not worry about having to be homeless or starve to death in abject poverty is a good thing, actually.

To their credit, the ringwraithfish seems to understand the first part, but the rest of it, the most important parts, seems completely lost on them. Too wrapped up, I suspect, in their insistence on hating those "redfash tankies" to realize they're just parroting and carrying water for the worst authoritarian imperialists on the planet.

(referring to this)

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 48 points 7 months ago

No prob! I get a kick out of reading the modlog and was kind of in awe when I saw this massive line of bans filling a page-height with what amounted to "Nakoichi BANNED for being an EVIL TANKIE!" Naturally, I was curious what heinous, egregious thing you had said, but I couldn't find any removed comments of yours in the log. I thought it must be some new mod with an old grudge or something. Then I happened on that post to see that your great unforgivable sin was to mention that the BBC didn't consider Tiananmen Square to be a massacre.

walter-shock rage-cry How dare you?!

Then I laughed. Tbh, I thought about posting it to the dunk_tank, but 1) I figured it would probably get removed for being low-hanging fruit, and 2) I wasn't sure if you wanted attention called to their dipshittery but regarding you. Glad to see that wider hexbear gets to point and laugh at them too now.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 40 points 8 months ago

This is a bit tangential, but actually the original actor (or one of the earliest major ones) who played Ronald McDonald is now a vegan and hates what he did for the McDonalds corporation. Even refers to it as fascist food.

"I want to apologize for participating in helping to brainwash North America's young people into doing something that I know now to be contrary to the purpose of life."


[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 57 points 9 months ago

Meanwhile, what is it that actually makes it to the front page of that shithole copaganda site?

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 44 points 9 months ago

According to some in here (even hexbears?!? blech), the genocide perpetrator you know is always better than the one you don't, so yeah, you'd better vote for the one you already know is committing a genocide to reduce harm. That's just facts and logic. shapiro-poplar

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 48 points 9 months ago

I'm not sure where the lines are in these definitions, or how much the difference really matters but I'm hoping he will be remembered not just as an enabler but as a direct accomplice, which he is. He could have chosen to stop it at any point, instead he has goaded it on and knowingly, unhesitatingly provided the material means to perpetrate it.

[-] QuietCupcake@hexbear.net 37 points 10 months ago

TIL far left is when you parrot the US State Dept line, shit on AES countries, and use the terms "tankie" and "authoritarianism" unironically.

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