submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

I can't exactly make out what it says after the error code thanks to the mystery unicode characters but I will try my best.

"The package couldn't pass the updating, or verification."

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

I really hope that there is a logical reason for Mozilla's stupid choices. Because I can't think of one.

You could swap out the Firefox shortcut on their home screen with an 'open Google(.)com in Firefox' shortcut.

That's what I will do.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 day ago

I already did. And they "don't like" it. They want to see the Google logo for some reason.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Recently I installed Firefox on my parents' phones (uBlock Origin too) in order to make them surf the web more securely as we've had a few cases in the past with malware. (Google Chrome, the advertisement company's browser, does not like ad blockers. Wonder why?)

All they care about it is it openning Google.com and apparently they don't like Firefox's home screen. There are only options for "the last tab", "home screen" and "home screen after few hours of inactivity" but no option to go to a specific web address. In this case, google.com.

So... how do?

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 31 points 1 week ago

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Time - Pink Floyd

submitted 2 weeks ago by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 19 points 2 weeks ago

We don't see it as that we are sloppy but that Firefox is not a good browser. We came to that conclusion because no other browser acts like that.

Your views seem to be very narrow despite being a developer.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/thunder_app@lemmy.world

Version: 0.4.0

Votes don't show up in both posts and comments. Issue began upon updating to 0.4.0

Logged out and in. Nothing changed.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

What's your position in your imaginary world? What do you see yourself as? As a person that you want to be or as a perfect version of your current self? Or do you not imagine yourself as yourself at all? In some other form? Not as a human but rather some sort of an idea?

Are you always on the top in your imaginations or do you imagine yourself to be not the most important person?

Sky Palace (Demo 3) (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 month ago by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/chiptunes

This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.

Sky Palace (Demo 3) (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 month ago by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/chiptune@lemmy.world

This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.

Sky Palace (Demo 3) (www.youtube.com)

This is one of the tracks that I made for the video game project I'm working on. I'm still a beginner in music though. So I believe it might sound bad. I think volume balancing could use some polish.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

For me, it was learning English. Although I do make a few mistakes here and there, I'm mostly perfect on it.

The amount of resources you have access to dramatically increases when you know a universal language. I say dramatically because it made me realize how much my native language lacks when it comes to certain topics. The most obvious one to me was tech and computers. Everybody knows how to use Windows but there are very few resources about stuff beyond Windows. It's actually sad. [insert sad face here]

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I hope you all are having a good day. I would like to start by saying that I'm the "can't take compliments" guy who posted a while back about how he "can't take compliments". I've been thinking about something for a while. That being the situation in the title.

Now, there is a girl that I really like. Let's call her Cass. Cass and I are very similar. We both share similar interests. Reading books, discussions about philosophy etc. But we are also similar character wise. What I mean by that is that we both like to make jokes and are great at it too, etc. etc.

I am comfortable around girls. No issues with that. But I've been just really, really, shy around her. To the point where I straight up leave the room if I see her. For a person such as myself, this is a pretty odd behavior. Because I give zero crap about what other people think of me.

So instead of endlessly questioning myself, I decided to use this as an opportunity to think.

Why do we humans do this? Cass is perfectly capable of getting along and understanding me. So why am I nervous around her? Is it because I sub-conciously put Cass on a pedestal? Even though it's kind of illogical considering she's a very pick-me girl with mental issues? (For clarification, I did not mean these parts of her character when I said that we were similar. But who's to say I'm perfect?)

This has been bugging for a while. Low self-esteem? I have plenty of it. Fear of being judged? Might be if I really am putting her on a pedestal.

So... what's your opinion? I might make a post about her situation one day. Because she's certainly an interesting person. It's interesting how depression can destroy someone.

submitted 2 months ago by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Not to brag but I'm a pretty confident person in my social circle. I'm funny, make people laugh etc. etc.

Basically, I am adored by everybody.

But there is something that I noticed about myself lately. Regularly people come up to me to chat and sometimes they compliment me. Now, complimenting isn't a bad thing, obviously. But I just don't feel anything when I receive them.

However I enjoy it when people talk good things about me when I'm not present. I, again, don't feel anything when people talk shit about me when I'm not present. BUT I really enjoy it when people straight up come at me and say something bad at me. My mood increases and I spend the rest of my day happier.

Is this some kind of a defense/coping mechanism that I have unintentionally developed? I don't see anything bad about this.

It's also worthy to say that I spent the majority of my life isolated up until a few years ago. No compliments at all but nobody to say bad things either. Is this why I fail to appreciate compliments?

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 25 points 3 months ago

Les Misérables is easily the best book I've ever read in my entire life. A few years ago I read a shorthened version of it and even then I was fascinated by it. I finished reading the full text two months ago and oh my fucking god this book is the best thing ever written.

I'm Turkish so I read the Turkish translation (will read the full text in English and French when I learn it) and on the back of it, it says something along these lines:

"... Les Misérables is the third and the most majestic collumn of the author's novel trilogy that tells of the society..."

And I completely agree with that. This book is simply timeless. The characters, situations, unjustice, inequalities, all the suffering in it could be applied to any society. This book is real.

The messages that it sends are solutions to topics that seemingly anybody with a functioning brain should be capable of thinking and realizing. And yet, these solutions are ignored and refused because of greed, revenge, bloodlust and most important of all, ignorance.

The main character of the book, Jean Valjean is the embodiment of redemption. His entire arc teaches us how to treat criminals. Some countries today are taking these lessons and applying them. The lessons being; treat them as human, rehabilitate them. The result? They actually do heal and return to society as normal human beings.

And yet you see people against this practice. Those kinds of people are blinded by bloodlust and revenge. They are the same kind of people that were racist, sexist and much more back in the day. The arguments that these people bring don't hold up either. The most common one I see (at least from my perspective) is this:

"You wouldn't react this way if they hurt one of your loved ones!"

The fact that these people don't know anything about me aside, this argument is pointless as it implies that I would be blind to fact and logic when I'm in pain. And while that is true, me being angry over an apple falling onto my head won't make gravity any less real. In other words, so what?

The biggest victims of this mentality are pedofiles. Not the ones that do engage in action. But rather the ones that don't harm anybody are aware of their issue. For instance, if a non-engaging pedo went to a therapist and told them of their issue, what would the therapist do? Call the police of course. And what would that do? Their life would be pretty screwed from that point forward. Assuming they are the non-engaging type, of course. I don't believe this to be the correct attitude towards these kind of cases.

I would also like to dive into other topics that the book covers (and perhaps extend on this one) but it would be way too long for a comment. Thank you anyone reading this far. I would like to hear your opinions on the matter and discuss even!

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 24 points 4 months ago

I can't speak for the privacy scene but in my country it's pretty popular merely because of anonimity (which boils down to not having to use a phone number) and Discord-like server/groups. For porn and other NSFW content, it is pretty popular.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 22 points 4 months ago

It is Google's. Google uses it on Google products that aren't Android. Such as Google Chrome for PC. It got a MD3 update.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Quintus@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

This might also be an automatic response to prevent discussion. Although I'm not sure since it's MS' AI.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 23 points 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure the reason why it doesn't use Material Design is to protect it's own branding. Material Design is Google's after all.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 76 points 8 months ago

If a person carries their trash with them until they stumble upon a trash bin they instantly have a plus in my book.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 34 points 10 months ago

I really enjoy getting the most out of a computer/mobile device that I have. I love trying out different OSes, messing with a video game to squeeze as much as performance possible etc.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 66 points 10 months ago

Alright so what's the biggest threat that the Open Web is facing right now? Web Enviroment Integrity.

What's the biggest browser engine that's not Chromium? Gecko. (Firefox)

Which group of people use Chrome most? Average Joes.

What attracts Average Joes? Shiny new features.

What is this post about? Shiny new features.

I think this is a perfect opportunity to make people switch to Firefox.

Though an antitrust lawsuit would probably be quicker.

[-] Quintus@lemmy.ml 23 points 1 year ago

I'm honestly really happy that Elon Musk bought Twitter and basically destroyed it. If it weren't for him, open protocols such as ActivityPub wouldn't be on news. I wish I could say the same for Reddit though. The amount of information it holds is simply too much to ignore. During the blackout, it was hard to find answers to my tech related questions as all subreddits were private. Hopefully tech community will move on to Lemmy.

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