[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 157 points 10 months ago

Make the job as easy as you can for yourself, and TELL NO ONE!

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 79 points 10 months ago

Me: I know, I'll choose..

Linux community: WRONG!!!

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 134 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

As a queer person, extending the acronym past what is necessary feels like pandering in the best light, and purposely trying to bait ridicule in the worst. The whole point of LGBT was to include anyone on the spectrum that was gay or trans, and the Q was supposed to include anyone who considers themselves queer, even if they don't meed those parameters. I can understand wanting to include I because intersex people are often left out of the conversation, and I even understand A because there is a lot of debate even within the LGBTQ community itself as to whether asexuals are considered queer or not. But when you start incorporating numbers, symbols, or extending past 5 letters within the acronym, you are defeating the purpose of having an acronym, creating confusion, baiting ridicule, and even making people not explicitly represented in the acronym feel excluded.

And there is already a single, all encompassing, inclusive, one syllable word that describes the community and all who occupy it: "Queer." It's easier to say, remember, and hell, even type if you are typing LGBTQ past 5 letters. But because of it being appropriated and used as a slur, there are many even within the community who are even afraid to utter it, let alone identify with it. Which is a god damned shame there is nothing inherently wrong the word, cause even in its original meaning, it meant someone who was outside the norm or otherworldly, and in literature has been used to describe characters like Gandalf, and characters in Shakespeare.

It describes me without having to explain or justify how or why. It describes how I feel as a person, how others see me, how I interact and relate to others. Its an adjective that can be verbed and adverbed. It's sharp and provocative, yet also warm and natural, like a forest green. People who have adopted and embraced the word for themselves feel the love within the word, and can extend it to others. And even for those outside the community, those who are brave enough to use it when talking in our defense come off as more decisive and confrontational, than the person who thinks adding another letter or number to the acronym will make them seem more legitimate.

It's time we stop fearing our word. It's time we recognize the difference between queer as an insult, and queer as a description of who we are, and we need to extend that to people who are willing to talk about us and our struggles or come to our defense. The word is only as evil as we are willing to reject it, and I will be dead in the ground before I let our word be the domain of queerphobes and bigots.

edit: ~~It's late and I'm going to bed. Apparently some people think I'm a self hating queer for thinking the acronym should be dropped for an all inclusive term, and so be it. It's late and I want to get some sleep. And a lot of the people making this argument I know haven't read past the first paragraph, much less to here. Anything clarification they could want can be found here and in my other posts here. Otherwise, if they are not going to put in the effort to read, I'm not going to put in the effort to respond.~~

edit 2: I wanted to make a separate inclusion because I have had a chance to sleep and cool off, and I wanted to address some of the more combative posts in my replies: I get it. We as a community suffer attacks constantly, even from within the community, so I understand why so many here are on guard and skeptical of my intentions. And I'll admit, my post probably could be better written. I'm not exactly the best at articulating my thoughts. But the point of my post is not to exclude anyone from the community, but rather embrace a word that includes everyone. I would like to hear counterpoints to my argument, because maybe what I need is a different perspective on the issue. I would love to hear from people who prefer the acronym, and why they feel it maybe more inclusive. I am a flawed human being with many faults. I grew up in a conservative background, and my life up to this point has been trying to unlearn a lot of that. But I did not write this with the intention of excluding or singling out anyone. Forgive me I have done so.

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 93 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Ppl: Uh um, well...

Salmon: How did you know pink was my favorite color!

ppl: Uh, what?

Salmon: Yeah! All the prettiest flowers are pink! I also like the sense of calm the color instills, the feminine yet loud conveyance, the fact that it's the color of my birth stone...

ppl: oh, well, that's pretty cool

Salmon: And the fact that it reminds me of the blood of my enemies, and awakens my chaotic and violent nature upon seeing it!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 83 points 11 months ago

I have no kids. Where's my all of that?

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 93 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's been bizarre some of my interactions with group A and B. I've been active in leftist circles for most of my time on the internet. I definitely get and agree with a lot of the criticisms with the US, NATO, and the EU, but I don't get how so many people think the Russian or Chinese government are any more righteous, especially considering the human rights violations and encroachments on sovereignty we've seen from both countries. Not just in their past either, but within the last decade!

The situation kinda feels like how Japan justified its imperialism to the outside world during the Invasion of China, South Asia, and the Pacific. Their official stance was they were aiming to rid Asia of Western imperialism and replace it with a sphere of co-prosperity, Despite this message however, they were absolutely brutal to the lands they occupied. The murdered and raped indiscriminately, and those they kept alive they enslaved and worked to death in brutal conditions. No sane person today who knows the extent of their harm would ever defend them as a power, even if their supposed message was "anti-imperialism."

You can oppose western imperialism, US hegemony, and capitalism without siding with other imperialists, fascists, and psuedo-communists. The actions of a country should speak for them, not the messages their propaganda tries to make you believe. Considering what I know from Russia's Soviet legacy with Eastern Europe, the actions they took against Chechnya and Georgia, their local treatment of dissidents, the brutal persecution of queer people that makes Florida look tame, the war crimes and human rights violations committed in Syria and Africa by Wagner, and the bombing, killing, raping, and kidnapping of civilians in Ukraine. I don't see how anyone could defend them or their actions. I know the US is guilty most of it through out its history too, but you shouldn't oppose a monster by supporting another monster.

submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 82 points 11 months ago

Hey I'm only 3 of those things!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/random@kbin.social

I'm starting to get really tired of "should" posting, especially about #climatechange. I saw a post recently saying that personal responsibility was pointless, and that we should try to end capitalism, we should take the fight to the governments, armies and companies who cause the most pollution, and we should start a revolution to save the planet.

I see lots of calls to action, but no action.

I'm just doing what I can as an ordinary person to reduce my impact on the environment. I know it isn't going to save the world, but at this point, what else can I do? Honestly, I;m not ready to go to jail, die, or kill in order to fight climate change, and I doubt most people are at that point either. Most of us are just trying to survive.

If you want to start the revolution, be my guest, but you shouldn't shame people for the little they can do, and you certainly shouldn't post expecting others to fight your battles for you. Be the change you want to see in the world, because if people's actions had the same passion and gumption behind them as their posts on #Mastodon, the world would be very different now.

#climatecrisis #globalwarming #activism #anarchism

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 160 points 11 months ago

I guess we really are trying to recreate everything about reddit here.

submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 71 points 11 months ago

The fact that being stoic, emotionless or even cold is seen as a trait of masculinity is incredibly frustrating. I feel men should be encouraged to be passionate and expressive with their emotions. Anger shouldn't be the only one we encourage as a society. Have you ever seen a man glow up about his lego collection, or cry at a beautiful scene in a movie they love? More of that please.

Also, men are just as deserving of support networks as anyone else. Though we all experience life differently, we are all human in the end.

submitted 11 months ago by Roundcat@kbin.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 232 points 11 months ago

Yay, another week of higher than normal activity, until the fomo kicks back in and they leave yet again cause "everyone is on X/this is sooo complicated/I just wanna see the fallout/whatever excuse justifies their addiction"

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 145 points 11 months ago

It's amazing how much of fundamentalist Islamic culture is putting restrictions on others because these men have no self control.

[-] Roundcat@kbin.social 86 points 11 months ago

A good amount of the content posted to reddit was a small number of power users, and the reason you see certain communities show up more than others on lemmy is because of those power users.

Don't be afraid to be that for your communities, even if you are the only one posting for awhile. The biggest discouragement to activity in a community is seeing the latest post is weeks to months old, and you wondering if there is anyone actually here.

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