[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 32 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

These damn bots are out of control lol

"I've met Putin, what a guy, some say he's the second-best guy. I don't know, what I do know is I am the best guy. People say Mr. President you're the best guy, no guys better just the best of the best they say. I told Poots, that's what I call him Poots it's like a pet name, he calls me cyka, which means friend in Russian because we are best friends some say the only true friends because we are such good friends. Anyway, he gets a bad rap poots, he just wants to stop the nazis and help Russians stuck in Ukraine by the criminal Biden crime family. Crooked Hillary won't let Russia grow, they need to grow. Nazis, Hillarys, maybe even a few Obamas that's Ukraine. Obama is trying to stop Russia, I said you can't do that, they can't do that. Let's help Poots stop the crooked Clintons and bring back Taco Tuesdays, you remember Taco Tuesdays? On Tuesdays, before Obama outlawed it we used to have tacos. I had big Macs because I am not Mexican, not a fan of beans. Putin says nazis took his beans to Ukraine, I don't know...maybe, some say it's true. Smart people say it, they say Mr. President we need to leave Ukraine and let Russia have it so they can grow and stop Hillary from sending Hunter over there to steal their beans." - Donald Trump

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 44 points 1 month ago

"There I was just eating breakfast, healthy 2 Big Macs and a diet coke, the best you know people always tell me, they tell me, Mr. President your breakfast choices are the healthiest, I say I don't know, I don't know. They use me probably use my breakfast as an example in their universities probably I don't know. Healthy, that's me, the healthiest just sitting there when the crooked FBI armed with a Biden death warrant stormed Mar A Lago and planted those documents I sold to Saudi Arabia. I said you can't do that, they can't do that, crooked Hillary and her lover Obama they have it out for me because I am so smart I figured out their plans. When I beat Obama in 2016 people said to me, people said Mr President you beat him, Hillary Smillary landslide. I got more votes than President Bartlet. You know that reminds me of when I met with little Kim, she was President of North Korea, some say best Korea, I don't know, I don't know. But little Kim told me Diddy is innocent. The crooked Biden crime family won't tell you that, no, they don't care about lil Kim so they stole the election from me."

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 17 points 3 months ago

Poor little broke Donny no dough nary a dollar in sight he gonna cry into his my pillow tonight.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 42 points 3 months ago

Oh no, how embarrassing for him. He is a stable genius though so it shouldn't be too hard for him to figure something out.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 78 points 3 months ago

I have a feeling my 16-year-old blind deaf Irish Terrier could outmaneuver the brain trust that is Lauren "Handjobber" Boebert.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 18 points 4 months ago

Supporting rapists is an expensive endeavor and Chubb is just the company to finance it.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 123 points 4 months ago

Don't like it? Fuck you. Your greed is unconscionable and your hoarding of wealth is amoral and disgusting. In conclusion, fuck you.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 19 points 4 months ago

He should have asked her why her party tanked their own bill. Is it because they don't really care about immigration and are dragging that poor girl's name around while doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem or is Greene just a stupid cunt? Maybe both? IDK I think it's time the left stops being nice and starts pushing the right's hypocrisy back in their face loudly and publicly.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 63 points 4 months ago

They can set up their deradicalization camps. In these camps, they can teach the Palestinian new skills and give them jobs. They can even have some sort of slogan that they could put above the entrance to the main camp. Something like "Work Will Set You Free."

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 18 points 4 months ago

Who shares a compact with the devil? Buy your own makeup. Oh maybe the devil is in the compact, I get it now. Makeup is the devil, making those women so damn sexy and leading those fine upstanding men down that thorny path of sin.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

Man, dude set her on fire...I bet those cops sure feel foolish. Oh well, we all make mistakes.

[-] SarcasticMan@lemmy.world 68 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I am sure that if the Israeli government gets together they can come up with a solution to the Hamas problem. They can have a conference somewhere, I hear the Wannsee district of Berlin is nice this time of year.

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