[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 3 points 3 days ago

I think that's shallow water they're walking through

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 26 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Comcast is sad that it can't fuck us in hidden fees anymore. I feel terrible...just terrible for them.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 23 points 10 months ago
[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 23 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You're not wrong and I mainly don't disagree with you.

But look at it from another perspective.

Those millions of guns in households are largely in the hands of conservatives since gun ownership skews heavily towards white people, males, and those living in rural areas which we already know also skews conservative, within which is a subset that fantasize about having a reason to murder their neighbors over dumb shit like colorful flags or opinions.

Liberals are much more diverse of a population than conservatives which means that when it comes to liberals, women or poc the odds of them having a fighting chance are not great in a life or death situation they didnt create, vs who is most likely to be the aggressors, conservative white men.

My take on it is that the cat is already out of the bag. In a perfect world I would prefer not having easy to operate life-ending tools spread freely throughout the country, but that's not the reality we live in. The best shot we have is to even the playing field so to speak even with the downsides it presents. The current status quo is letting terrorists gun us down with impunity and that doesn't sit well with me.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 91 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The reality is that terrorists like this guy are armed and carrying all the time, but the second amendment is for all Americans including liberals, lefties, moderates and everyone in between.

Im not advocating for violence, in fact having a concealed carry permit nearly always means the exact opposite. Someone being aggressive? You walk away and let them win. Someone tailgating you? Let them pass.

Carrying is about situations like this, between a shop owner with a rainbow flag and someone out looking for an excuse to murder someone over rage bait.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 136 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This is one very good example why strong and secure encrypted communication apps should be the default. You should not have to be at the mercy of fb in order to talk to your mom about personal and private matters. It may not have mattered too much in this particular case as the tip came from a judas but it no doubt does, or will, in others going forward.

Not to mention that abortion is medically indistinguishable from miscarriage, if they didnt talk or act with intent to perform an abortion would anyone have noticed in the first place?

Edit: right, just noticed the sub this was posted on. y'all already know.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 25 points 11 months ago

There's gonna be a lot of flash flooding from this. Stay safe out there folks

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 61 points 11 months ago

Ignorance appears to be like rabies in at least one way, once it rots enough of your brain you become fearful of anything and everything around you.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 27 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


The curse of successful mitigation is skeptics will then say afterwards that 'X was no big deal, look how few people died'

Don't be one of those.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 24 points 11 months ago

Protect yourself first, never apologize.

People that call you names are also telling you they don't have your back and do not care if they give you covid or if you die from it.

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 36 points 11 months ago

This is why I started exclusively wearing kn95s because it became clear after a time that people simply don't give a shit about anyone except themselves, they don't care if you or I get covid and die.

So I stopped pretending like I'm doing my part since we all know surgicals and cloth masks are only truly effective if everyone else is wearing them. They know too but choose to fuck us anyway. So fuck them too and protect yourself first. Wear your p100 respirator with the exhaust vents that filter nothing for extra vindictive points

[-] Shortstack@reddthat.com 25 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I would not be surprised if regular people tolerated 5+ minute ad breaks for a short video. Too much bs has been normalized for that to be much of a surprise anymore.

Like a frog slowly heating in a pot of water, you can get used to just about anything if you're apathetic enough.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Shortstack@reddthat.com to c/technology@lemmy.world

I have a family member living on my property in a separate but adjacent living space, close enough together to share my router's wifi. She likes to let her youtube app endlessly autoplay talking head news videos at full volume due to her hearing loss, and this goes on for a few hours in the mornings. The sound through the walls is annoying but headphones block enough that it's a non-issue as long as I can load something to play through them. The real rub is that I also would like to do something on the laptop during breakfast and her neverending news autoplay eats up all the bandwidth I am paying for when I want to use it. I can't cut off her internet, but I could prioritize my traffic over hers in the morning so that I can load an episode of something and listen through headphones. Yes I know this would be a bit unscrupulous but I have already suggested she not doomscroll via youtube all morning, to no avail.

Setting up a separate ISP account for the adjacent space isnt an option for the time being. The router/modem combo is ISP-issued and locked down by default due to too many service calls from people breaking stuff in settings. As far as I know it is not able to be swapped out to an off-the-shelf due to this being fiber optic internet, plus I'm only so-so in tech knowledge.

Which leads me to the title, can I put the ISP-issued router in a faraday cage, connect my own router via ethernet and be able to control settings via that route? Any reason I shouldn't/couldn't?

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