[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 87 points 2 weeks ago

You completely missed the point. The point is people have been lead to believe LLM can do jobs that humans do because the output of LLMs sounds like the jobs people do, when in reality, speech is just one small part of these jobs. It turns, reasoning is a big part of these jobs, and LLMs simply don't reason.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 77 points 1 month ago

Epic sax guy and ska is a very strange juxtaposition.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 96 points 1 month ago

Triple AAA games are usually very polished. But polish doesn't make games fun. Polish is important with accessibility, and it's easy to see why accessibility is important for a big studio casting a wide net.

But fun? That comes from creativity and innovation. Big studios are averse to risk taking, and struggle to attract creative individuals, because the corporate culture seeks to stamp out individuality in the name of process and procedure.

So yeah, more evidence of this. My money is going to Indy devs who prioritize fun over polish. (But polish is good to have too).

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 122 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

3rd party app support...

There are many other reasons, but let's be real. A lot of us ditched reddit because they dropped support for third party apps. Having an interface that isn't trying to constantly milk you for all sorts of monetization schemes matters a lot, as it so happens. Enough to say goodbye to a lot of familiar and large communities with otherwise good information.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 115 points 5 months ago

This wouldn't pass PR review and automated tests, unless they were a senior dev and used elevated privileges to mess with things behind the scenes.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 78 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

You might get up votes if you accompanied a controversial opinion with a reasoned argument. However, making only broad, unsubstantiated statements is a waste of bandwidth and everyone's time.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 81 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Can't tell who this is making fun of. I guess the answer is: everyone.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 89 points 9 months ago

In theory, yes. In practice, not necessarily.

I found that the images were not very representative of typical AI art styles I've seen in the wild. So not only would that render preexisting learned queues incorrect, it could actually turn them into obstacles to guessing correctly pushing the score down lower than random guessing (especially if the images in this test are not randomly chosen, but are instead actively chosen to dissimulate typical AI images).

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 72 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Did he do the market research, R&D, design, patent application, QA, machine tooling, material resourcing, QC, marketing, sales, technical support, administration, transportation... all on his own too or did he just pull a lever on a machine?

My money's on something closer to the latter. This is a terrible reflection on production and labour costs.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 76 points 11 months ago

At the end of the day, software developers need to eat. If they get to eat because their compensation model is driven by donations either before or after you use the app, who cares?

(Fair enough FOSS is free as in freedom, not just as in free beer, but I think that is moot to a lot of people, as long as the market space isn't crushed by anti-competitive buisness practices)

The bigger issue at hand here is negotiating fair API uses for instances and their admins, who also need to eat, and make the apps possible too.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 84 points 1 year ago

Vinyl was already cool again way before 2008.

Also, 2008 was the era of loading up iPods and the like. Spotify as a phenomenon is much more recent.

Also, USB?

Now that I think about it, just about everything in this meme is wrong...

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 81 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

For now I don't think it makes sense to federate large media like videos. The storage costs are just too high to replicate this data all over the place.

The better model I think is to link to content providers with more traditional approach to providing videos. Lemmy is a link aggregator after all, not a media platform.

TBH, I think this was the downfall of Reddit. Reddit had kind of devolved into a cesspit of reactionary videos. Can't say I miss those, sure it was entertaining, but it forms habits of doom scrolling and at the end of the day, I don't want it if it takes shitty business models to support such a service.

Lemmy should stay focused on what made Reddit famous: being the front page of the internet, and honest, raw commenting system to hear from the people.

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