[-] Soup@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Trump just enjoys being mean and Biden is currently his opponent. When given the choice between shutting up and cruising to a victory and screaming nonsense(while cruising to a win because his supporters are objectively incredibly stupid people) he’s gunna choose screaming nonsense every time.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

Microsoft: The only thing we’re good at is amazing you with how bad we can truly be.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Well they did kinda just allow all the boomer shit to keep going. They allowed themselves to be forgotten by sucking up to the generation before.

My dad’s like that, if we’re acting like single family members are important. He still falls for the same old bullshit and despite being a software engineer he has that same old pre-internet attitude. He had enough success in his life that he could insulate himself from having to acknowledge just how bad things are today.

Gen X obviously had some good in there just like the boomers did but they just haven’t proven themselves to be up with the times enough to be effective in the modern world that came basically out of nowhere, faster than the change in generations could follow. As a generation they just don’t have the skills or experience to act like they’re owed a turn. Anyone who thinks they’re entitled to run a fucking country just because it’s their “turn” doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near that kind of power.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

The fact thay the republicans are always on the losing side of history on purpose kinda shows that they’re not really a legitimate party that actually works for the people. They shouldn’t even be in the discussion but they lie, cheat, and steal their way to more power than they deserve. Conservatives will complain because they’ve been shown, however wrongly, that they have a lot of support which feeds into a cycle that eventually ends up where we are today where the far right is gaining huge amounts of power in places it doesn’t deserve and plants itself down as legitimate enough that they keep pulling in fools to elect their own doom.

Basically what I’m saying is too fucking bad for them, reality’s a bitch when you’re evil and/or stupid but that’s just too fucking bad for them. And if they want to threaten or intimidate people that’s called domestic terrorism. Boo-fucking-hoo.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

And don’t get me wrong, they are good words! Individual phrases are really quite beautiful I just couldn’t track what they were getting at is all.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Ok is this just confusing for me or…?

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Fuckin’ right on, dude!

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Alternatives. Addictions seem so often caused by the fact there’s fuck-all else to do or because someone feels trapped without those vices. If all they have is the phone then I don’t blame them.

Do you live somewhere with transit access? Living in a car-centric suburb is another way kids are essentially stuck at home with little to do because of how difficult it is to interact with other people or participate in activities.

Also remember to, if you aren’t already I don’t know you, show them that they can learn things. I know so many people who legitimately think they can’t do certain things. They think they can’t make things out of wood or fix a car or whatever else. When I help my friends with that stuff I tell them that the only price is that I want to teach them a new skill/confidence and friend when I tell you that seeing them operate a power drill for the first time, do their first oil change, paint a wall, whatever is the greatest feeling I can get my hands on I ain’t lyin’. Kids know they aren’t experts but I see so many people, even without ill intent, acting as if they can never be and it hurts me to see.

I bought a mandolin for $50 a few months ago and despite playing bass since 2007 this thing has reduced my screen time an absurd amount. It might not be an instrument but whatever it is it should be accessible, something they can grab and fiddle with in place of the phone. Oh and to my previous point: The thing was cheap and needed work but a few Youtube videos later and I have the thing playing way out of its league now.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Ya’ll might want a rebrand because the literal definition of “anarchy” is to not have any rules. It’s not a common misconception, it’s a common miscommunication.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

The problem is that nuance is hard for people and libertarians just want a blanket “no rules” all the time while not acknowledging that they will never have the biggest stick.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

“Party drama must end” says the man only really staying in because of his massive ego.

(Ya’ll still need to vote)

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 95 points 6 days ago
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