I sure hope veterans and any federal worker that cares about their job shows up.
I'm a US veteran. Fuck trump, fuck musk, and fuck anyone that voted for trump.
How any veteran supports this toxic administration baffles the fuck outta me. Fuck trump, fuck musk, and fuck everyone who voted for this dynamic disaster duo.
I love when people make counter arguments, but don't provide any proof. "Just trust me, bro"
I wasn't debating if he was right. I agree, Rubio should resign. I would bet no one gets a job for trump without telling him they will do exactly what he wants without question. I am pretty sure they are just being more mask off about it for this administration.
"Disgraced former trump Yes Man tells current trump Yes Man he should say No"
As if another 4yrs was needed to come to the most obvious conclusion.
I think you meant astronomer. Astrology is the one with the mystical signs. The link talks about the parade of planets.
Listen to the How Conservatism Won podcast by Behind the bastards. It goes back further, but this is all a part of a grand plan. Melon is just taking advantage of the situation, also for his own personal gain of course.
Probably a good number of people who aren't directly affected by the cuts... Yet. Something us Americans seem to lack a lot of is sympathy/empathy. Unless it strikes close to home, a lot of people are pretty callous to the plight of others.
Crooks, thieves, and charlatans. trump and his band of idiots are a cancer on our society.