[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Congratulations! You noticed the cycle! Here is a cookie!

Now are you going to pay your "protection" dues or are you going to get your legs broke?

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

While I could see the wisdom in not propping up a vegetable, I'm not sure acknowledging that they are propping up a vegetable is any more of a "winning strategy".

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 39 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Well, if they only got hard when we were actually hungry, and not just "bored hungry", I assume the market for crunchy snack foods wouldn't be as prominent.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 37 points 1 month ago

"Middle Period"? That feels awfully optimistic to me.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

Because Trump's a piece of shit.

I'd go so far as to say anyone who supports genocide is a piece of shit.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world to c/politicalmemes@lemmy.world

If you are looking to help bail water, @teodor_from_achewood@lemmy.world recommend Mobilize.us to find opportunities to get started. We are all in this boat together.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 32 points 2 months ago

I followed up on your assertions, as I was wholly ignorant to them prior. And while I'm not terribly surprised, as it's seemingly almost impossible to be the President and not get involved in our country's sordid history, I am sad to find out Jimmy "sold his peanut farm" Carter's legacy is tied to so many atrocities. It's worth knowing about if we want to improve the world.

A bit of friendly advice though, attacking people for their ignorance is simply a terrible way to break their illusions. Unless you were just trying to be a dick for its own sake, your tact will accomplish little more than pushing people further down the path you so eloquently deemed "fucking pathetic".

And to that extent, don't be so quick to throw stones from your glass house. There are no countries that are wholly innocent. We need to push for solidarity, not division, if we aim to change that in the future.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

While I get the point of this post, and don't mean to trivialize anyone's struggles with mental health. I think that this mentality is detrementail to the vast amount of people who suffer from undiagnosed ADHD.

If you feel like you might have ADHD and are considering getting help, don't let posts like this push you away from getting an actual diagnosis.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 31 points 3 months ago

Well no, not really. They are just stating the fact that the update will almost certainly break their mod (and many others tbh) and just want time to fix it so even unexpierenced modders can enjoy it. They also say they are excited for Bethesda's update since they love FO4.

“Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers."

“The fact that Bethesda is keeping what is an old game updated is honestly a great thing – many members of the team are very excited to see this,” he notes. “On the technical front, being able to play Fallout London with the new potential engine improvements and the performance upgrades is fantastic. It’s going to mean that we can push the engine even harder than we’ve already pushed it. This is all going to be a boon.”

The Bethesda never changes bit was a joke that in context seems like he means it in a positive way.

"Bethesda. Bethesda never changes,” he concludes with a smile.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 94 points 7 months ago

Sorry Emilio, but when you had a reported $200 million dollars, 500 developers, and 7 years to make a game, you don't get to play the "but its really hard" card when people complain that your game is soulless corporate crap.

You're a professional, act like it.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

About the same as Spiderman 2 or Ghost of Tsushima on Windows.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 58 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

While the headphone issue is problematic, it's a single issue amidst a deluge of ethical and sustainable practices by the company. Including, but not limited to:

Fairphone carefully sources the components in every device, and the workers who put them together have safe and healthy working conditions. Where possible, Fairphone uses recycled materials (plastic, tin solder paste, steel, and nickel alloy), sources Fairtrade gold, and buys cobalt and silver credits to support the improvement of working conditions for miners.

The factories that make the Fairphone pay a living wage to workers. It also employs 100 percent renewable energy. Fairphone invests in projects to reduce CO2 emissions, and to balance bringing a new phone into the world, Fairphone recycles the equivalent amount of e-waste. It has a B Corp certification, which means its claims have been independently vetted, and Fairphone regularly releases impact reports.

(As reported by wired.com)

Absolutely they should get push back on the headphone situation. But calling it "greenwashibg marking bs" is textbook "letting perfect be the enemy of good". Simply put, almost no other company even competes with Fairphone in the field of ethical phone manufacturing.

[-] SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

An unvoiced character =/= a mute character. In the first VtMB, the main character was unvoiced but had tons of dialogue options.

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