[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 17 points 1 hour ago

I'm not as eloquent as many of the other comments, so I'll just save us all some time... fuck you

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Anyone got the name of that song?

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

They're the only ones you get

Ha, jokes on you, that's what TV and books are for! (Mostly kidding, but not completely)

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

As for family/friends, I've reached out a little bit, yes. But I don't like doing it too much, regardless of how difficult my life becomes. Maybe it's pride, maybe it's empathy, idk. Either way, I just can't. In short, I've gotten SOME help, but I won't get much more

As for cost of living, I live in the American Midwest and split rent in a decent apartment in a relatively-safe neighborhood with one other person (hopefully 3 total in the next couple months)

And that's about all I'm willing to give up online

Edit: I copy-pasted from a very similar response, so I had to adjust it to fit YOUR questions

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

[Copy-pasting my response from a very similar question, I'll put your specific questions in an 'edit' below:

Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

I don't have a SET budget, but I really don't spend that much :/ Rent is roughly half of my current paycheck (currently with 1 additional roommate but hopefully will get another in the next few months); Food is probably my biggest expense. Other than that, I have Spotify, YouTube, Xbox, and Microsoft Office accounts, but that total is about $60/month, which isn't THAT much and, on the whole, has actually saved me money (so many 'free' games on Xbox it's not even funny).

As for debt, I've got an account with a credit union, phone bill, car payments, car insurance, renter's insurance, student loans, utilities, etc, etc. For a rough estimate (again, without giving too much away), recently I ended a week with ~$35, got my (2-week/80-hour) paycheck, paid all my bills, and ended up with ~$75. So, essentially, I made $.50/hour after bills

Edit: Location, American Midwest. Education, some years of college (a pretty good one, too) but never graduated. Age, early 30s. Aaand that's about all I'm comfortable giving online

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

I don't have a SET budget, but I really don't spend that much :/ Rent is roughly half of my current paycheck (currently with 1 additional roommate but hopefully will get another in the next few months); Food is probably my biggest expense. Other than that, I have Spotify, YouTube, Xbox, and Microsoft Office accounts, but that total is about $60/month, which isn't THAT much and, on the whole, has actually saved me money (so many 'free' games on Xbox it's not even funny).

As for debt, I've got an account with a credit union, phone bill, car payments, car insurance, renter's insurance, student loans, utilities, etc, etc. For a rough estimate (again, without giving too much away), recently I ended a week with ~$35, got my (2-week/80-hour) paycheck, paid all my bills, and ended up with ~$75. So, essentially, I made $.50/hour after bills


Yes, I do have a full-time job, and I even enjoy it, but it doesn't pay enough to survive in this hellscape of a world we live in. I lack the college degree required to get almost any decent-paying job (plus my last job hunt took MONTHS to get a lead), I don't have the skills or originality to become an online content creator, nor the artistry or patience to create and sell trinkets on Etsy (plus, that would require an initial investment which I simply do not have). Should I set up a GoFundMe? OnlyFans? I wouldn't really be offering anything except a charity basket/collection plate so that feels dishonest at best. Idk, I'm quite literally having a breakdown because I'm probably going to lose my car soon, and then my job, and then my apartment, and then my life. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you


Yes, I do have a full-time job, and I even enjoy it, but it doesn't pay enough to survive in this hellscape of a world we live in. I lack the college degree required to get almost any decent-paying job (plus my last job hunt took MONTHS to get a lead), I don't have the skills or originality to become an online content creator, nor the artistry or patience to create and sell trinkets on Etsy (plus, that would require an initial investment which I simply do not have). Should I set up a GoFundMe? OnlyFans? I wouldn't really be offering anything except a charity basket/collection plate so that feels dishonest at best. Idk, I'm quite literally having a breakdown because I'm probably going to lose my car soon, and then my job, and then my apartment, and then my life. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you


Yes, I do have a full-time job, and I even enjoy it, but it doesn't pay enough to survive in this hellscape of a world we live in. I lack the college degree required to get almost any decent-paying job (plus my last job hunt took MONTHS to get a lead), I don't have the skills or originality to become an online content creator, nor the artistry or patience to create and sell trinkets on Etsy (plus, that would require an initial investment which I simply do not have). Should I set up a GoFundMe? OnlyFans? I wouldn't really be offering anything except a charity basket/collection plate so that feels dishonest at best. Idk, I'm quite literally having a breakdown because I'm probably going to lose my car soon, and then my job, and then my apartment, and then my life. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 34 points 3 days ago

It's not even casual internet surfing anymore. While looking for a job several months ago, I had to create a new account on every. Single. Fucking. Application.

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 91 points 1 month ago


[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 122 points 2 months ago

He did not die in captivity, that happened back in the 80s for anyone like me who got confused by the headline

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 53 points 5 months ago

Literally never heard of Trello in my life until today...when my boss sent me a link to join their board...


Shamelessly ~~stolen from~~ inspired by a post on 196 by /u/nifty

[-] TargaryenTKE@lemmy.world 85 points 7 months ago

it felt like the industry jerking itself off

I mean, that's pretty much ALL awards shows

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