#include "the_entire_fucking_internet.h"
I bet he did PI planning for a week. Created 132 user stories. Decided on 2 week sprints at a velocity of 27 story points. Had daily 1 hour stand-ups. Weekly 2 hour sprint retro meetings. Per sprint a 3 hour sprint review meetings and a 6 hour grooming session with his cat. Not to forget the bi-weekly 2 hour sprint refinement meetings. And each sprint had a 4 hour backlog meeting on the potty. All by himself.
git push origin master # moron
Dang Decartes! How’d ya get so swole?
I picked up some Tobasco Scorpion pepper sauce at Kroger. It’s no joke. Where are you going?
Artificial gravity not achieved through acceleration or rotation. That and people don’t explode or instantly freeze when exposed to vacuum.
Typical scrum master.
Naw man. It's a Toyota Trondra. Don't mess with it.
Vibe Coding essentially automates copy-and-pasting the answers from StackOverflow.com.
But sometimes it pastes in the code from the questions.