[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

To this point: for those who think that, do they think anyone else realistically could, at this point, other than Biden?

Literally anyone born after 1975.

Look, 45% of people are going to vote for the name on the D line no matter who it is. 45% of people are going to vote for the name on the R line no matter what. That last 10% is who you want to win over. And like, they're tired of both of them. But Biden is the dude in office right now, so they're gonna vote for the other one.

All Biden has to do is say "after some reflection, you're right. I cannot serve at my best capacity. I'm going to step aside for the good of party and country," and then they nominate literally anyone under 50. Hardcore democrats are going to vote for whoever is on that line, and middle America is going to see that and be like "that's the honorable thing to do. I respect that. And I may not know who this new person is, but they're not Trump" so democrats still have that tired platform without any of the baggage. They would cruise to retaining the presidency.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 119 points 1 week ago

Tech bros reinvent broadcast TV.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 23 points 1 week ago

This was a friend of mine, except it was cocaine.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 118 points 4 months ago

I just... I can't bring myself to give a shit about Taylor Swift's airplanes when BP and Shell still exist and capitalism is still the dominant economic system.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 45 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Stop confusing democrats/liberals with leftists.

Democrats will probably almost universally agree that he's been a good president. Tribalism is a hell of a drug.

It's the leftists that won't. And speaking as a leftist, he's done a lot better than I thought he was going to. He ended up pushing for more progressive ideas than I thought he would. Good for him. He's been stymied by the courts and his own party on some of them. And that why I, as a leftist, think the democratic party is still (less) trash. They had a majority for two years. Did some stuff. Could have done more. You can be all "but but Manchin/Sinema" all you want, but I'll bet all the money in my pocket against all the money in your pocket, than if Manchin and Sinema were to announce that yes, they'd vote to abolish the filibuster, there would be two other democratic senators who would come out and say no. And that's fine as it relates to their world view. They're liberals. They're not leftists.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 22 points 6 months ago

Eh. I want to fuck a 20 year old. I want to have a relationship with a 40 year old. I've been in two different casual relationships with women younger than me (33/23, and 35/26) and they were exhausting. Not having any common cultural touchstones was a much bigger bummer than I thought it would be. So I wanted to spend an hour or two with them, but I find myself perfectly content spending an entire day with my current (39/35) fiance.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 23 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Probably vote blue all the way down the line but I'm going to be shitting on the democratic party publicly and loudly for all the fucked and/or cowardly shit they do because not as bad != not bad.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago

I once dropped a table in a production database.

I never should have had write permissions on that database. You can bet they changed that when clinicians had to redo four days of work because the hosting company or whatever only had weekly backups, not daily.

So, I feel your pain.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago

Isn't nutrition security kind of implied? Like, is there someone who's like giving away 2200 calories a day in twinkies and ho-hos being like "aha! Gotcha! You just said 'food' not 'healthy food!'" like some sort of lawful evil djinni? The movement to combat food deserts is to get actual grocery stores so that people have access to fresh fruits/vegetables instead of just the processed food available at dollar stores.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago

I think, generally, most people don't really give a shit about oil and gas workers. They're just trying get food and housing just like everyone else. People hate oil and gas companies though, and that hatred is righteous and justified.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 57 points 10 months ago

Look. Am I going to vote for whoever the democratic nominee is? Yeah.

Am I going to be saying the democratic party is generally also racist, transobobic, capitalist, and don't really give a shit about you? Also yes.

The republican party being more racist, transobobic, and capitalist doesn't mean the democratic party isn't. And I'm sick of people pretending otherwise.

[-] TeenieBopper@lemmy.world 31 points 10 months ago

I legit actually like country music. Country music and punk rock. Both of them are just three chords and the truth

And man, when this song started, dude came in hot. I loved it. And then he went flying right off the rails.

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