
joined 2 years ago

A million-to-one chance happens 9 times out of 10.

So which sense do we use to interpret the rules set out on how to get/treat slaves? How is that interpreted? Is it a metaphor? And how do you know which is which?

What it sounds like is you have lots of leeway to account for what you choose to believe is truth or fiction to fit your needs at any given moment. And if you're not sure what, if any, is literally true, how do you know there's a god at all? And you're defending Catholicism, which is in for an even more uphill battle than most because it's been around longer and has to account for all the beliefs that have had to be updated as knowledge and culture had changed.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I mean, I don't believe it but bible believers do; how about the global flood? Various plagues in Egypt as well as ending the whole party with killing off all first-born sons? Commending genocide (multiple times)? Enabling chattel slavery? Obliterating Sodom and Gomora(sp?). Ooh, on that same point, didn't he just turn Lot's wife into salt because he looked at her? All the stuff he did to Job to win a bet? And I think Jesus set a wild bear on a bunch of kids because they were bullying some guy?

Those are off the top of my head, but I know there's more.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.

[–] 37 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Am I weird in that I think it's weird to announce that kind of thing on a dating profile? Like, I'm on all the dating apps and people generally don't get access to me until there's a mutual agreement to match, right? Unless you're swiping on everyone or they're actively trying to hide it, are you matching with a lot of trans folk? Are you so inundated by these matches that you feel the need to announce these preferences up front? I can't imagine it's so many that you can't just have a polite conversation when it comes up and explain the preference? It's the whole need to announce it, knowing how it could come off, that makes people question the intent. If you were at the bar and someone you're attracted to comes up to talk, do you stop them and say "before you go any further, know that I only date cis people."?

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Especially since ChatGPT can't think of a new answer, right? It's working off data that's already somewhere online. It's just using predictive text based to determine the next word based on what users have typed. So most of these answers people get from "AI" are out there for these people to get from real people.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's possible? I'm not a dermatologist or anything, it's just what I've observed on my own body, specifically from my pockets is the biggest one. If you ride very frequently, maybe next time pay attention to where you're body is making contact and causing friction. if it's right where your balls rest on the seat and they move back and forth constantly there, it's a good bet.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I don't have any smooth spots on my balls, but I wonder, do you wear tighter underwear that may consistently rub in those spots? I have places on the outside of both my thighs where my pockets have rubbed against them for decades and hair no longer grows. Same on my ankles from the short, tight socks I used to wear when I played sports. I assume the friction just destroyed the follicles.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The Handmaid's Tale (TV Show), hands down.

The first season was emotional but I've gotten through it multiple times as I've tried re-watching to get through season 2. I got a little farther the last time I tried, but man, it's so visceral and constantly beating down the protagonist and everyone around her. That's the point and it's great, it's just so depression-inducing when there's just no uplifting points. IT does not let up in beating you down with the horribleness. I just can't keep going when it goes on for so long.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I want to say they're from the same episode? They were being interviewed about their experience during some event and instead of doing a voiceover that segues into it being acted out they did this creative choice of acting it out and having the one giving a deposition pause to turn to the camera to tell the bit they're saying in the interview.

I'm not remembering a lot of the details, but this is the type of thing that made me love DS9. The themes were generally the typical Trek fair, but that show had style. They had the balls to film things differently than other Trek shows and make them really interesting. It was so different but still so Star Trek at its core. It made things feel fresh.

That and the way it was set up, being on a space station that didn't move meant it felt less like a sector/monster of the week. It accomplished a lot of the same by having the new aliens come to them instead of the other way around as is typical, but it felt different I think because they were stationary. It felt more character-focused, and because they were basically hovering just over Bajor it meant there was a whole planet that was able to affect the show consistently as it grew and changed along with the dynamics of the crew/station, while not really being part of the direct scenery.

You might know this already, but the original series in that universe, The Riftwar Saga, Feist wrote about a DnD campaign he played with his friends. I picked up the first one, Magician, and it felt just like a DnD campaign, so I looked it up and sure enough it was exactly that.

I'm making my way through all of the books and haven't gotten to the Krondor books, so I don't know how different they are as I could clearly see his growth as a writer in just the first series. I'm currently reading through the Daughter of the Empire series that he co-wrote with another author and I'm really enjoying it.

Yes! I completely forgot this one, thank you!

In fact, OP, I'm going to suggest a Youtube channel, but with some stipulations. Jackson Galaxy. He's an interesting guy who had (has?) a show on animal planet, but he has a really good grasp on Cat behavior. He get's a little weird with some of his homeopathic products that he has for sale that I'm a little skeptical of. But his cat behavior stuff all seems pretty spot on and his advice for cat care (As long as it's not about a product he sells on his site) is really good. It's worth a look I think.

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