The Soviet Union did not kill all those nazis out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather because they were in active warfare with Nazi Germany and thus needed to kill a large number of nazis to win the war. Throughout history, authoritarian "socialists" have backstabbed, betrayed, and otherwise killed anarchists and democratic socialists. I absolutely do not trust tankies to fight against fascism in the United States or Europe in any effective manner. Russia and China are not friendly countries to queer rights, though being gay is legal in both countries they do not have any anti-discrimination laws that apply to queer people and the reason there are fewer hate crimes is simply because they don't count them. Russia and China are also not socialist, Russia is an explicitly oligarchical capitalist Presidential republic and China has a mixed economy that heavily relies on markets with private owners. This is honestly a good part of the reason I'm suspicious of tankies, the United States sucks but that doesn't mean that every nation that opposes the United States is automatically good.

[-] 56 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones.

I'm guessing that's how they plan to get around that. They will leave the toggle enabled for people registered in EU countries, and disable it everywhere else. A fairly risky way to handle it in my opinion.

This news is as stupid as it is unsurprising.

Mastadon (and the Fediverse in general, to some extent) has problems with discoverability and the average user finds federation confusing. People tend to either use microblogging to see what's going on with people they're interested in or to broadcast their activities to a large group of people, and Mastadon currently doesn't fit that niche very well.

Most dictators haven't gone by that term, preferring instead some other executive role like chairman, supreme leader, or president. If Xi doesn't want to be called a dictator, maybe China should start holding open elections, see how popular the CCP really is.

UK Labour should take this as a grave warning and change course immediately.

I think that part of the problem is we need to enable younger and poorer people to run for office. Potentially with a universal campaigning platform or something similar, there needs to be a way for less privileged people to run for office if we're going to fix this country.

Actually, all 15 were of black people. 14 were of black men, one was a black woman.

That gimmick lasted all of a day or two until Elon decided democracy was cringe when Twitter voted to oust him.

I agree with most of this article except about Discord being Reddit's main competitor. I think Discord has a distinct enough feel that it's almost kinda separate from other social media. It's less so like a platform you make posts on and moreso a big text group with lots of features, which is perfect for some communities but stifling for others.

This is a really good way of explaining the difference.

If you had left out "gorgeous Russian girls" you would probably have significantly fewer downvotes. I generally agree it's not the people's fault their nation is a dictatorship, but I think generally when people say fuck Russia they mean fuck the Russian state, not the geographical area nor the people that happened to be born there.

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