Starting 2025 you are no longer able to unlock your bootloader on xaiomi devices.

They're leaning forward actually 🧢🧢🧢

It isn't even just a single issue. If you will defend and fund genocide literally against your political interest what wouldn't you do?

What's that expensive grocery store in Cali with the $25 smoothies? That's how.

Not everyone is so apathetic about it. The billionaires building their apocalypse bunkers in abandoned missile silos certainly aren't. The people involved in ramping up the dehumanization of immigrants, preparing for the cruelty that will be inflicted upon the influx of those escaping man made "natural" disasters aren't. This is the sort of game which is won or lost before you start playing. It starts soon. We have to build that will now or else.

You do have to tailor the message for the audience, but in this context I think sticking with words and phrases which invoke the whole revolutionary Marxist tradition are a positive. Tailoring your message too far runs the risk of losing some of it. You have to meet them where they are but the goal is to guide them to where you are. When I hear someone say "Billionaires are attacking the middle class" I just tune it out to be honest, because it sounds identical to the background noise of performative liberals, accidentally based for ten seconds republicans, and dead-end utopians. Ambiguously contrarian. I think a liberal will hear it the same way. I want to say "look, we have dusty tomes and academics and structures and traditions and all of that too. We aren't just screaming into the void." I think that works, or at least it worked for me.

Definitely, but if the recent spike we're seeing keeps going we should be well on our way to 80s and 90s levels by next year!

[-] 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I think the established socialist terms are best, even if they require further explanation because our definition and understanding of "class" is the distinction between us and your average Republican. It's the definition from which our entire understanding of politics flows. To a Republican "class" is a series of virtues you signal, self reliance by having a pickup truck, being a hard worker by having working man boots and not being college educated. A petit- or bourgeois man born with a silver spoon in his mouth can still be happily brought into the fold of "working class" so long as they get their hands dirty and don't talk like "the liberal elite".

To a Marxist, "class" is based on whether you have an exploitative or exploited relationship to production.

[-] 68 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Once again liberals try to fit tankies in the 4chan basement dweller box. 5 pound cheese puffs, mountain dew, and hentai? Come on, you've never even met a tankie. We eat MICROWAVED REFRIED BEANS, SLAM ENERGY DRINKS, AND ENJOY FURRY PORN. GET IT FUCKING STRAIGHT LOSER.

Yeah it's Russian disinformation that I go to the grocery store and cabbage literally costs $8 randomly. This is what comes of your JIT economics.

  1. No storage to level prices, leading to something of a rolling brownout on groceries.

  2. It gives companies way more leverage when they can arbitrarily withhold stock to control prices, something EVERY COMPANY DOES AND ADMITS TO.


We need to make a new version of the anarchist's cookbook that still tells you how to do "naughty" things as a hook, while discouraging adventure-time and guiding young susceptable edgeladies and edgelads toward collective and organized action in support of their CLASS INTERESTS instead of whatever racist incel shit the right is selling them. It would have new sections about hacking, drones, gardening in urban settings, and primers on other things that work better for group organizations and recruitment than the original was geared towards.

It could be primarily distributed in a portable executable which is self encrypting for plausible deniability (I'm thinking something like tomb if you're familiar) and when your password is entered, lets you access the contents like a Wikipedia page.

People will read it because it makes them feel like a naughty hackerman/woman, but will be getting a healthy dose of communism on every page. I would say "without being too larpy" but I think maximum LARP is appropriate for this.

It would also greatly improve our ability to covertly fedposting by alluding to sections of the book withoutdiscussing exact plans. We can talk about things broadly and deniably while literally being on the same page.

Thoughts? Criticism?

I don't even understand what the argument is supposed to be on the face. Like what do you mean it has a "right to exist"? Can I just go ahead and invent a country and then take over half of Texas, because my country "has a right to exist"?

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