[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 2 months ago

The very worst controller I've ever used was this no-name joystick in the 90s. You had to grip like a claw, which looked kind of cool and futuristic but was awful in use. The base was tiny and it had these suction cups that didn't work at all.
But the very very worst thing about it, was that the input was binary! It was either on or off, no gradual movements or anything. Basically it was an oversized d-pad.

I borrowed it from a friend so I could try Rebel Assault, which looked so awesome what with CD-ROMs being a new thing. But that joystick ruined the experience so much! Try flying a ship through a canyon when all you can do is hard turns in 8 different directions. I constantly crashed within the first 10 seconds of the game and kept thinking it was my fault for being a crap player.
I still hate that monstrosity with every fiber of my being.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

Westwood, but not for Command & Conquer or Dune 2. I still remember them fondly for their Kyrandia games. I loved the art design, the music and the jokes.
Kyrandia 2 being one of my all time favorite adventure games, Zanthia was an awesome protagonist. Especially for her time.

It’s nice that their strategy games picked up the way they did, but part of me wishes they stuck with their fantasy games.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

They don't need the BBB though. PVV, NSC and VVD should be good for an 81 seat majority.
But yes, I pretty much expect the coalition to fall within a year or two (should they manage to get a coalition to begin with). The question is who will cause the fall and who will be scapegoated. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll be positioning themselves for this inevitability from the start.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Started playing Space Wreck which has been fun so far. It's like playing the old Fallout and Arcanum games, or at least as how I remember them. The first act I basically talked my way through without fighting a single fight or passing any other skill checks. I really love these kinds of role-playing games so I'm a happy.. err.. person :)
I'm already thinking about how to replay this for my second and third run (it's supposed to be a short game)

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

Baldur's Gate 3 - It's my second run. Part of what I love about these games is that you'll find new things and different approaches with every play-through. And with every run you get a little more daring and in-character with how you react to situations.
First time round I can't help but play little miss goody two-shoes, just staying true to my own nature. Second time I feel a bit more daring and actually try to act like the self-centered anti-hero I had in mind for this character. Who knows, maybe some day I'll even dare to play a villain :)

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

You've got a point, and individually I wouldn't dare to question someone's gender (I barely have a grip on my own :)
All I have is the article provided. A little searching did get me to this article which details some very awful behavior though.
I guess it's more that the purpose for this entire event, to give (trans)women and non-binary people opportunities to establish a career in tech and to celebrate them, is being subverted. Space and time was limited and the extra influx of men (who clearly weren't there for the main purpose but to job hunt) put a big strain on both.
There's not much you can do about it, but that doesn't make it right.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

So.. first things first. I'm a happy Midjourney user and post quite a bit of stuff over at one of the other Lemmy communities (same name, different account). But, I only use the AI for fun and never for profit. I can give tons of justifications but in the end it comes down to this: I'm a crappy artist and I have a vivid imagination. AI gives me an outlet to visualize the things in my head and the rush of seeing them in real is really nice.

That being said. One of the things I don't do, is write prompts like "in the style of ....". Specifically because I don't want it to be a copy of someone's work, even if it is for personal use. It feels (and obviously is) wrong.
Maybe not a perfect solution, but they should remove all the artist names (those alive or less than 50(?) years dead) from the current models. If your name isn't in it, then it'll be a lot harder to recreate your style.
In the longer run, a register of what prompt and which model were used for AI generated images might help with copyright claims? The EU is already busy with legislation for registering AI models. This might be a logical follow-up?

I'm just throwing out ideas at this point. I'm not an expert in any of these fields (AI, legal, copyright, etc.) All I know is that it would definitely be a net loss for society if small artists are no longer able to make a living practicing their profession.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I love your optimism, thanks :)
Just to make sure, I mean this sincerely. I appreciate the positive vibes :)

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

Reading some of the replies here makes me wish we didn't use flex work spaces. I have to keep my personal belongings in a locker whenever I go home. I'd love to have a desk I can decorate :)
Anyway, I keep Lapsang Souchong tea in my locker and like to brew a strong mug before I start my day. Then I just sit on the couch in the lounge area and stare outside for a while and enjoy my tea. The tea stinks of smoke, so early morning is the only time of the day I can enjoy it without people complaining.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

Oh my.. Lynx really brings me back. I used to slack off at work by having an ssh connection to my home computer and browsing through Lynx (or was it Links?)
Never really got into Linux beyond basic use, but I was always proud at myself for managing to get this working :)

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

That I have absolutely nothing that seriously worries me.
Of course there's the usual annoyances and minor road bumps in my life. But I have no major family problems (outside of some squabbles, but who doesn't have those?), I'm healthy (enough), I earn enough to get by without having to live from paycheck to paycheck, etc.
When I hear or read about other people's problems, both on large and small scale, it makes me appreciate that my life is just.. boring.
I appreciate it a lot and really hope it will continue this way for both me and my loved ones.

I hope this doesn't sound too selfish. I do feel for those of you who are not as lucky and hope things will get better, whatever your troubles may be.

[-] Thelsim@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Hi everyone! My name is Thelsim.
I used to be a habitual lurker at Reddit and, like a lot of others, decided to be a bit more outgoing from now on. I really want Lemmy in general to succeed and feel that this only works if we actually reply with more than just an upvote.
I enjoy a lot of different activities from gaming to drawing (really badly) to anything else that catches my really short attention span :)
Looking forward to contribute here!

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