[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Congratulations on adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

Yep. You're naive.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 180 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Scheppele's assessment echoed that of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, which warned in an analysis published late last year that "the entire project is devoted to aggrandizing executive power by centralizing authority in the presidency, and a key aspect of democratic backsliding is viewing opposition elements as attempting to destroy the 'real' community, an essential aspect to quashing dissent."

"Project 2025 paints progressives and liberals as outside acceptable politics, and not just ideological opponents, but inherently anti-American and 'replacing American values,'" the analysis said. "Targeting vulnerable communities is a core tenet of Project 2025. Project 2025 is very clearly on a path to Christian nationalism as well as authoritarianism."

For the love of everything we care for. Please vote this November.


The president of the right-wing group spearheading Project 2025 raised the specter of violence Tuesday against those who refuse to capitulate to what he characterized as "the second American Revolution" ushered in by presumptive GOP nominee and would-be authoritarian Donald Trump.

Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation, said in an appearance on "Real America's Voice" that the coming "revolution" will "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"—a thinly veiled threat against those who resist the far-right's efforts to seize power.

Trump said in April that whether there is violence surrounding the 2024 presidential election "depends" on the "fairness" of the contest and the outcome.

Watch Roberts' remarks:


"We are going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back," declared Roberts, who has said Project 2025 is "institutionalizing Trumpism" in preparation for a possible victory in November.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Ya sure do. Misinformation and bad faith arguments all corner stones of Republican traditions.

Now report my comment like you always do.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 135 points 3 days ago

"without fear of punishment or restraint."

This is what happens when you normalize a fucking Fascist instead of taking him down when you motherfuckers had the chance.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago

And what's the problem? If it were sexist they would be using "stop being a woman" compared to "stop being a pussy". One is sexist the other is just an insult. Grow some skin. This is the internet, after all.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 17 points 4 days ago

Geez, how fragile.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago

What the actual fuck bro? The judge hasn't agreed yet, but since both sides agreed, it's more than likely going to happen. I am sick of this piece of shit getting treated with kid gloves.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

Guess you missed Trump's entire presidency.

[-] Theprogressivist@lemmy.world 67 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Took 7 fucking months to kick this back to the lower court for a ruling we all kind of expected (can't really trust SCOTUS to do anything good). Exactly why Smith wanted this Streamlined in December.


Donald Trump appeared to keep an article about a dead Deutsche Bank whistleblower among his classified documents, according to newly released FBI photos.

The article was a feature about Val Broeksmit, a rock musician, who leaked details of Deutsche Bank's files to media and FBI agents investigating the bank's alleged links to money laundering, the Trump Organization and Russia.





At the start of the video, Lauren Windsor of The Undercurrent presents herself as a true believer who showed up at a Catholic Prayer for Trump event seeking a photo op with Stone. From there, Windsor starts asking Stone for his thoughts about the coming presidential election.

While Stone said it was too early to tell who will win, and while he stated that President Joe Biden can’t win in 2024, he added that the election “can be stolen again.”

Highlighting “overconfidence” as “one of giant problems right now among our own people,” Stone said “we’re working on it,” it being the prevention of a repeat of 2020.

Link to video


Donald Trump Jr, four months after being hit with a $4 million fine and a ban on serving as an officer of a New York company for two years, is seeking opportunities elsewhere — namely, Hungary.

The former president’s eldest child arrived in Budapest on Thursday morning on an invitation from the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There, he met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and gave a talk entitled “The World According to Donald Trump Jr.,” an event first reported by Hungarian journalist Szabolcs Panyi.

Trump Jr’s visit focused on discussions about “the future of Hungarian-American relations, the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war, and opportunities for peace creation,” according to Zoltan Kovacs, spokesperson for Orbán’s office.

Multiple legal experts say foreign policy discussions between Trump Jr — who is not employed by the US government — and a foreign prime minister raise questions about the Logan Act, which prohibits unauthorized diplomatic activity in certain circumstances.


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit of the last two survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, dampening the hope of advocates for racial justice that the government would make amends for one of the worst single acts of violence against Black people in U.S. history.

The nine-member court upheld the decision made by a district court judge in Tulsa last year, ruling that the plaintiff’s grievances about the destruction of the Greenwood district, although legitimate, did not fall within the scope of the state’s public nuisance statute.

“Plaintiffs do not point to any physical injury to property in Greenwood rendering it uninhabitable that could be resolved by way of injunction or other civil remedy,” the court wrote in its decision. “Today we hold that relief is not possible under any set of facts that could be established consistent with plaintiff’s allegations.”


CAIRO, June 11 (Reuters) - Hamas accepts a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution and is ready to negotiate over the details, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday, adding that it was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it.

Hamas accepts the UN security council resolution in regard to the ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli troops and swap of hostages for detainees held by Israel, he said.

"The U.S. administration is facing a real test to carry out its commitments in compelling the occupation to immediately end the war in an implementation of the UN Security Council resolution," Abu Zuhri said.


A jury convicted five Minnesota residents but acquitted two others on Friday for their roles in a scheme to steal more than $40 million that was supposed to feed children during the coronavirus pandemic. The case received widespread attention after someone tried to bribe a juror with a bag of $120,000 in cash.

That juror was dismissed before deliberations began, and a second juror who was told about the bribe attempt was also dismissed. An FBI investigation of the attempted bribe continues, with no arrests announced.

The seven defendants are the first of 70 to stand trial in what federal prosecutors have called one of the nation’s largest COVID-19-related frauds, exploiting rules that were kept lax so that the economy wouldn’t crash during the pandemic. More than $250 million in federal funds was taken in the Minnesota scheme overall, with only about $50 million of it recovered, authorities said.


With these words Biden addressed the bitter irony that haunted the commemoration ceremonies. While D-Day occurred eight decades ago, America is now just five months from an election that could bring to power a man and a movement who embody and celebrate the twisted authoritarian values of the enemies we sought to defeat so long ago.

Fascism has not gone away. The tactics of the Nazis to employ racism and demagoguery to divide society and enable their seizure of power and their gutting of democratic institutions currently are the playbook of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.


“People in our caucus… to me, they’re not really taking this as serious as we should,” Tuberville said. “American people need to wake up. This is a war; this is a war on our Constitutional rights, our constitutional republic. This is not as much about Donald Trump as it is about the people in this country.”

Tuberville also claimed that Democrats were “anti”-American, insisting that the liberal party was looking to strip citizens of their privacy and censorship rights while conveniently forgetting that it was Republican leadership who pushed through the reauthorization of a domestic spy program in April and who are continuing to press for literary censorship in majority conservative states such as Florida.


Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a measure to ensure President Joe Biden will appear on the state ballot in November.

DeWine, a Republican, signed the measure — which relaxes a state candidate filing deadline — Sunday along with a related bill that imposes a ban on foreign nationals contributing to state ballot campaigns. Both will take effect Aug. 31.

The Republican-dominated Legislature had approved the two measures last week during a rare special session. The contribution ban had been demanded by the Senate, which approved the measures Friday, a day after the House passed them.

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