[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

This is what I was coming here to look for. That dream the meme refers to is mostly for a white family. There were still a lot of the country struggling, and it doesn’t help to gloss over that. The dream was indeed taken from everybody, but it was not an equality dreamland 100 years ago by a far stretch.

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 74 points 6 months ago

I think this is a good point. Lemmy pre protest sucked. There was just no content or activity. Post protest, it’s not too bad here. It’s viable. Slowly, hopefully more people end up here over the years. I still browse Reddit (not logged in, my account is kaput) and it seems the same as it was before though. However, digg too died, so there is hope yet.

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Similar thing happened with cars. My grandpa would take them apart and reassemble them. my dad (somewhat generalizing to generations a bit) were really into cars and engines and would do some basic diy. I know nothing about them and don’t care to learn much.

I think computers are doing a similar thing. Millennials sit in the middle of the adoption and saw it emerge from more of a technology wild Wild West to being central to modern society. We could take the time to delve into details (since they mattered), but now it’s more taken for granted and things are there.

I guess, I’m just thinking it’s some sort of technology adoption thing that naturally plays out in a “victim if it’s own success” way.

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

j eighth? J over 8? It took me an embarrassingly long time to remember to use i :(

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

Yeah, it is a bit strange. That was a central hub of where I got news, jokes, stayed connected with internet culture. That's mostly gone now. So many things feel splintered anymore. I'm old so I don't keep up with the latest games, but that feels all over the place---too many games, too many communities. Streaming/TV stuff---very few people I know watch the same things I do, and I miss the joy of watching something new and then talking about it the next day moments. Worse now is that most people can't even access the same content since there are too many services. Music is strange now too. Partly, I'm just not connected to pop culture, but also everyone is listening to VERY different stuff (referring to college-age folks---most other millennials I know just listen to NPR, podcasts and 90s mixes). There doesn't seem to be any monolithic music culture at all anymore. Everyone has super customized spotify playlists. I know a big part is just millennial aging, but also reddit kept me connected to broader things, and now its just like everything else and enshittified and disappearing. sigh ... get off my lawn I guess :(

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 175 points 8 months ago

This is an article from 8 years ago (2015)

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 46 points 9 months ago

Plasma. It’s the most customizable and you can dive in and shape it. It feels much more natural for me to jump into.

I put xfce on older hardware.

Distro wise I tend to go with Ubuntu flavors most because they seem to have better compatibility for various software and stuff I need, but I haven’t really shopped around too hard in years. Work is RHEL (and clones) and they make me sad.

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

This is exactly what they do. Interns look at them (or some text comparison output) and take a general temperature.

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

Why oh why did they get Arkansas right??

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago

I don’t really have a problem with the main post you linked to. Are we a strictly pro-NATO server or something? I think I’m missing exactly what the issue is 🤷‍♂️


When I drink traditional, Rosamonte Especial is my favorite brand, but I don’t think its complex flavor carries well to cocido preparation. Curious what brands people would recommend?

My method for cocido:

  • 15 g yerba into a ceramic pot
  • 550g hot water [varies, but I’ve tried 175 up to 190 going into the kettle, without too much difference]
  • Sit for 7 minutes
  • Strain and pour.

I started doing this as a way to extend a bag of yerba, and ended up enjoying it more than I expected. I tried La Merced monte y campo, and it seemed to work fairly well in this tea/cocido method. What else may work good?

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 50 points 1 year ago

You need both though. Memes and shitposts to scroll though and chuckle, and then quality stuff to engage on. Lemmys got that, and the momentum will keep it growing.

I tried lemmy like a year or so ago, and it felt so stale. The technology is there, but the content just wasn’t. That’s clearly changed now. 😊

[-] Thwompthwomp@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago

Universities are also on a trend to not host their own stuff or run their own servers. Most US universities are either google or Microsoft schools which handle all the email and (often) file sharing services. A lot of this is from a combination of shrinking budgets and security-scares.

I think fediverse and universities could be interesting, and it may just need to take some slow momentum buildup and education of fedoverse services.


Happy cake day for this community! May your matching networks be forever well tuned!

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