[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 76 points 1 month ago

uh oh a dollar is missing from the register there goes your raises for the next 20 years

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 65 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well I can't speak for anyone else, but me personally I never talk about it because I don't talk about mass shootings in general.

But occasionally I do think about that one. And Sandy Hook. And Aurora. And Uvalde. And Columbine.

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 96 points 6 months ago
  1. img is irrelevant but way cooler

  2. you know why. all the leftists left reddit for lemmy because they actually stand up for shit. now it's just normies and chuds left.

  3. yall shame each other for using reddit so it continues to be normies and chuds.

  4. Nationality pages are always fascist


I just checked out Twitch again after a while and WOW has that site gotten shitty. But I'm trying to watch someone and really don't want ads every few minutes. Instead of paying Bezos to remove half the ads, how can I configure my uBlock Origin to block them all for free?




I got a box full of a bunch of stuff from over the years. Some big, some small, some expensive, some cheap. It seems like a shame to throw it all in a landfill, with or without personal data.


I don't see Old Reddit lasting long. They've cut beloved features before, and they're still calling New Reddit a "beta feature". After they've pumped enough resources into developing it, I'm sure they'll move past the "test" phase and just cut Old Reddit out entirely. That's probably going to be Lemmy's next big user surge.

Does Reddit suppress mentioning Lemmy? I remember for a while this past June 2023 there were a lot of auto-deletions for mentioning or linking to Lemmy. I was never clear on who was deleting things and where. I guess linking to the r/Lemmy subreddit (or a fediverse sub) could work as long as the subreddit doesn't get banned.


Surprised this place doesn't have more shitty posts like this one if ppl actually followed the rule


site is popping ya?

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 65 points 8 months ago

"ambiguous" ballot initiative? how about Keep Your Sleazy Hands Out Our Wombs, is that more clear?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

[Resolved, thanks!]

Weird, but I just got two copyright notices from my ISP. I always use a paid VPN (Proton). How'd they see me?

I did accidentally open qBitTorrent before connecting to the VPN yesterday, but immediately exited the program before anything loaded. Is that enough time to get two strikes? One was for seeding TNG S03 and the other for TNG S05 lol.

What confuses me is that that happened yesterday, but the email lists the day prior as the time of offense.

So I guess it's time to set up a kill switch or make sure the qBitTorrent wont open without Proton connected. If anyone has a guide for that send a link my way.... thanks.

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 79 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

More importantly, Ohio voted to protect reproductive rights!!! 👍

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

Assuming that boys are socialized to be more confident, bold, and outspoken, the end result is that men will end up talking over women. In an open forum setting, such as a professional or educational one, when the floor is open to anyone, it seems like men are more likely to speak up first.

Part of me thinks, "Well, anyone can speak if they wanted to! If I can count to ten and still be the first to talk, then so be it!" But part of me also wants to help uplift others and give them a chance to speak.

How might men navigate this?


Really nice to see players like all of you AND devs like Evan showing up on Lemmy. It's been sad to see so many game subs stick to Reddit this year. It's honestly been kind of slap in the face to see a place like r/Terraria sticky this big protest automod message to the top of every thread but not make any kind of move to relocate here.

Just wanted to show some appreciation to the PD crowd!


Recently learned about this stuff on a Lemmy World post and I thought I'd move the conversation here since they've been fussy about DB0 in the past.

I'm really just a common seaman when it comes to the high seas. I just use Proton and qBit and whichever website is supposed to be safe and active nowdays (currently Torrent Galaxy?). I just download from the magnet link to qBit and save it on my drive. I don't know much about torrent streaming or ports or networks or anything IT might ask me to check beyond "plug it in".

But for some shows I've only been able to find single episodes, not full seasons, so when I heard about something that compiles stuff for me, it seemed convenient. I'd be curious to learn more. Unfortunately the websites for these services don't really offer any explanation to new users and laymen, so I got a bit lost. Thought I'd ask here rather than venture into their forums where they already don't seem to welcome idiots like me.

So... what the heck is Sonarr and how do I use it?

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 83 points 8 months ago

"You deserve Trump because you blocked me on Lemmy!!"

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 58 points 8 months ago

Bush was an absolute monster, but Trump literally broke brains. America will never be the same.


No gatekeeping on links. I click a link and it opens instantly without giving me a chance to view URL. Malware inc.

Cannot properly view parent comments/context when reading inbox replies. If I get a reply to something and I cant remember what i said, I have to dig through the entire comment section of the original post. my parent comment doesn't appear half the time, it's inconsistent. and if I have several replies to one comment, there's no way to navigate to my parent comment and all its replies; I can only view one comment thread at a time if navigating from inbox, or all comment if navigating from OP.

does anyone know if any other lemmy apps have these basic functions?

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 97 points 8 months ago

All caffinated beverages should be required to disclose their caffeine content on the packaging.

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 72 points 9 months ago

you can't genocide if you got genocided, that's the rule, if you disagree you're an antisemite, now please send rockets to children hospital thank you

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 74 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Internet absolutely was better 15 years ago. Everything is paywalled now and there's constant disinformation. Algorithms feed you bullshit and people all post outrage bait to get attention. Not saying that stuff didn't exist 15 years ago, but it's absolutely become the dominant experience online.

Hardware has gotten better though!

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 64 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


we called it, reddit goes fucking crypto bro

[-] TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 97 points 11 months ago

Cool! Don't care! Fuck Tildes. And I'm a longtime RIF user and Tildes alpha user. (And it's still in alpha, years later...) It's a weird ass place over there. Not too keen on their "private club" theme centered around the "God of Tildes" either.

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