[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 16 points 3 hours ago

It's not ok to be in Texas.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 2 points 5 hours ago

If you're not getting paid for your labor, wouldn't you be a slave? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

Why wouldn't we? ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Yeah, it's awful. Unfortunately, we still have to make do with this reality and Rome doesn't fall in a day.

I know you're not a Trump supporter. You're a trans leftist who thinks this is about what the parties "deserve." The parties both deserve terrible things, yet it's still in the best interests of literally everyone that Trump loses. Liberalism sucks, but it doesn't compare to fascism.

Most westerners are brainwashed into supporting our shit empires, as that's what nationalism is. People get brainwashed because we prefer easy solutions that don't exist. In this election, either a shitty empire wins, or we get crucified and enslaved by a downright evil empire. Neither have much longevity, but one will do way more damage every day they're in charge.

Throwing your hands up and claiming both options are comparable is easy. Thinking there's a middle path is easy. Itโ€™s far harder to accept that both options are bad, but still recognize that one of them will win this election and one of them is far worse than the other.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I hope Biden and the party's leadership get hunted down and executed if they lose the election. Why? Because I'm a trans woman of color who's outspoken about my views, meaning I'm getting the axe before most. I'm EVERYTHING the right hates. I'm not "fucked either way," but actually dead one way and only possibly not dead the other.

You're a fucking kid who doesn't realize how bad the current situation is. Even if Biden wins, we're on a dangerous road towards World War, and Trump winning will only make that more likely. You don't take the dangers of the growing nationalism seriously because you've grown up with the same illusion of safety as all westerners. You don't realize how bad war is or how bad authoritarian oppression feels because you have no reference for it. You imagine it'll be like the media you consume, but you haven't figured out that stories don't capture it.

If simply voting blue to not get killed is supporting terrorism to you, I hope you live to rebuild . The story doesn't end with disaster; life must go on; if not for you than for someone else.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

They disintegrate into smaller and smaller pieces, traveling up the food chain into us.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 22 points 3 days ago

Make Germany and France more nationalistic and powerful? What an awful long term strategy. Diving them from English speakers might make them weaker, but it makes them far more dangerous. Best case scenario is bloody conquest. Worst case is them invading you first.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

She posts on reddit and a tiny fourm that some queer reddit refugees went to called raddle.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

She has reoccurring gags like having characters wear different clothing in every panel, as well as other motifs like the spider or body parts in the trash. It's just silly stuff for the most part


Shave Your Eyebrows

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 29 points 6 days ago

Doesn't sound believable. Then again, 4 kg land arthropods that casually crack coconuts, kill birds, live for decades, and steal human objects, aren't believable either.


I Guess My Roommate is Pretty?


Chivalry was about being loyal to some rich asshole. Samurai were the same. The main advancement of capitalism was the rich handing their knights to the state. The knights no longer fight each other, mostly suppressing peasant rebellions and protecting property. The wealthy fight each other through the law, which is less costly and dangerous than fighting with soldiers you often pay to train and can potentially die.

essay on empire/capitalism/power

However, the rich still give up a lot of power under capitalism, mostly giving up the ability to use violence outside of the state mechanisms. If effective regulations get put in place that hurt their power, it usually isn't worth resisting. They have a social contract with a monster not even they can fight directly. Instead, they buy politicians and weaken the state's ability to regulate. Over time, they both extract all the wealth from workers and make the state incapable of restraining or resisting them. Late stage capitalism.

However, the driving force behind feudalism falling off was the rise of states who throughly monopolized violence. Empires had risen and fallen, with lords varying conversely in strength throughout history. Industrialization coincided with a rise in that state domination, with power centralizing more so than ever before. Strong central governments and world shrinking technology allowed capitalist states to become the most powerful empires.

Even when anticapitalist empires emerged, capitalism remained in the form of social and political capital. The exact same power dynamics played out in those cases through informal systems where single players dominate the entire system. Cults of personality equal to kings effectively become the real state, the real empire. The dictators often hold power for a single generation, splitting the bureaucracy into multiple competing factions, risking state fragmentation as they try to build a throne.

Fascist strongmen rise to power in late stage capitalism due to the weakening of the state as an institution and the instability caused by competition. Unethical behavior compounds upon itself in an unregulated market, creating discontent in the workers who seek radical change. They're prime targets for fascist movements, allowing a strong leader to dismantle and become the empire.

This is where the state dies and capitalism actually might end. The leaders and their supporters crave power and domination, driving them into conflicts with each other. In the past, total wars of conquest between empires were possible to win, but now they aren't. No one really wants WWIII, but even institutions know backing down from an empire means defeat. They refuse to appease, endangering the entire human population through famine and unsurvivable explosions. The entire global capitalist system might break, leaving smaller agents to fight each other and rebuild it all once more.


Credit: ShaveYourEyebrows

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