do you read mob names? I only know a handfull of special ones'.

Well, I'd give a 99% that you're going to find it cringe, but I made this post about The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon. It had that absolutely amazing character 180° plot twist, and even if everything else is very poorly written, that singular character is awesome.

The way I actually got into reading is a bit embarassing, only two of my friends know of it. But the watered down version is that after years of everyone around me watching anime I also caved in, tried it, and I very much enjoyed one. Because it was (and still is) unfinished I decided to read the light novels about it and realised how awesome reading is. My familiy nagged me about reading, and I did some back in the day, can't even remember how old I was (single digit for sure), however school started and I was forced to read some of the worst pieces of word combinations that ever hit my ear, long and boring too. I'm not kidding when I say one of these mandatory reads made me hate women for a while. Thankfully I forgot all of it, like a trauma, all I remember is that it was hell reading that (actually couldn't even read it, I listened to it.) Anyways, even if it's cringy and a bit wierd, I'm still happy about it. I get to enjoy this hidden gem of media, and I'm loving it. So I'm searching for new experiences. This post backlogged me for a year at least.

I'm writing this omw home on a bus, if there are typos; sry :p

I’m really sorry to have put you through that D=

haha, don't be :D I'm happy that I met this world. It's just not that good.

I don't have a favorite book. I'm very new to reading books. 21st century childhood got to me as well. But I'm enjoying it so far. Might even me a better form of media than series. While I'm also not native, and for whatever reason I don't read in my mother tongue, but english. For that reason I struggle with vocabulary. One good thing I can definitely say about Mortal Engines is that the language is simple, I barely had to look stuff up.

I can tell you manga or smth tho.

Hello, it's me again. With a book club-like update. Just finished the 2nd book, Predator's Gold. However I'll just say it straight on, it was bad. The plot armor driven plot didn't subside. I remember you saying that you liked the 2nd least, so I guess.. same. I honestly don't feel like reading the next two.

I don't think I'll over-analyze this one, but I'll just say that it was so uninteresting and boring that I've put off the last chapters for days, read them one by one. And the big drop at the end, the climax, was, again, complete nonsense. >!Tom survived getting shot point blank in the chest. The stalker 2.0 got autobalanced (tf2 reference) in the middle of killing the MCs. Hester did something so unreasonable that it is in no way justifiable as a tantrum. One of the most feared predator cities just killed themselves. And the drop of Hester being pregnant is irritating, very "book end" of it, but also let's think about it. For the 2nd half of the book they weren't even close to each other, except for when They came back from the "prison" and when Tom was dying. So there are two options: Hester had intercourse with a dying(unconscious) guy (peak fiction?), or they tried for baby when they were speeding back to the city, when it was clearly uncomfortable for the both of them. I won't read back, but IIRC they were both filled with guilt and barely talked. Or did they have fun in the early chapters? In that case, good to know a city can move half a world's length within a couple of months (before pregnancy is noticeable or a hindrance)! !<

I'll think this is the end of my journey with this one, overall it wasn't bad, I'm just disappointed a bit. And definitely not interested enough to continue. However, if you say that the next two books are good (AKA way better), I can imagine myself reading them and writing up the first two as setup.

unit testing eating?

could people maybe.. oh idk.. lie on the internet?

Encrypt whole system? (

My laptop isn't under my supervision most of the time. And I'd hate it if someone were to steal my SSD, or whole laptop even, when I'm not around. Is there a way to encrypt everything, but still keep the device in sleep, and unclock it without much delay. It's a very slow laptop. So decryption on login isn't viable, takes too long. While booting up also takes forever, so it needs to be in a "safe" state when simply logged out. Maybe a way that's decrypt-on-demand?

I'm on Arch with KDE.

[-] 78 points 1 month ago

I just had a conversation about this, among other things. The thing is: we have no idea. Also I don't think Reddit-for-nerds (Lemmy) is that great of a place to ask this.

If you do get an answer, act upon it, and it works, please remember me and tell me.

Java uses double ram. (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Let's be honest: I only use Java for Minecraft. So I only debugged with it. But all version, server or client, all launchers. All of them use double (or more) RAM. In the game the correctly allocated amount is used, but on my system double or more is allocated. Thus my other apps don't get enough memory, causing crashes, while the game is suffering as well.

I'm not wise enough to know what logs or versions or whatever I should post here as a cry for help, but I'll update this with anything that'll help, just tell me. I have no idea how to approach the problem. One idea I have is to run a non-Minecraft java application, but who has( or knows about) one of those?'s request:

launch arguments [-Xms512m, -Xmx1096m, -Duser.language=en] (it's this little, so that the difference shows clearly. I have a modpack that I give 8gb to and uses way more as well. iirc around 12)

game version 1.18.2

total system memory 32gb

memory used by the game I'm using KDE's default system monitor, but here's Btop as well:

this test was on max render distance, with 1gb of ram, it crashed ofc, but it crashed at almost 4gbs, what the hell! That's 4 times as much

I'm on arch (btw) (sry)


I've recently gotten into reading. I realised how much I love fiction, and a couple of tropes. So I'm here asking maybe some of you know any books that have them.

I love it when the story focuses more on world building rather than character. The theory crafting I can do in my head, or just before I sleep, is priceless.

Here I'll contradict myself by saying a character development related point, but the more important one. I'd like to read more works that show some mysterious big-bad first as a rivalry, later as a friend. They soften up with the MC and we they become friends or allies or whatever. We get to see a BBEG of sorts's friendly and weak side. I get that it's a bit childish, but I lost my mind of how cool of a character they made the first time I read it. Now, it was in a manga, so I'd love to read an example that made this best or first.

Thank you in advance, even if you just name some genres or authors.


Title almost says it all. OLED monitors are getting more and more affordable, but it's almost out of the picture when buying a monitor because of toolbars and HUD elements. I don't understand why monitors "burn-in", when I shine my LED flashlight or some LED xmas lights they won't simply start emitting the same light even when I turn them off. I know it's a dumb comparison, but still, what happens?

The other thing that I don't understand is the fact that I've never seen any signs of burn-in on anyone's phone. Alright, technically that's a lie, I did see some on a work phone (or two), that only had some chat app open, seemingly since ages, and the namebar was a bit burned-in, or something like that, as you'd guess I also didn't interact with that phone a lot. As as said above "but still," I've had my phone for a while now, so does my family and friends, some of us even doomscroll, and I've never seen any signs of burn-in on any (actually used) phone.

so, I can watch my background all day, but I should open my browser every like 3 hours press f11 twice and I'm safe? Ff I'm away just let the screensaver save my screen? In that case why would anyone ever worry about burn it, you almost have to do it intentionally. But if it's really dangerous, like I immerse myself into a youtube video, but it has the youtuber's pfp on the bottom right (does youtube still do that?), and it was hbomberguy's, am I just done, toasted, burnt-in?

[-] 61 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I don't get the hate. A 1st person moba sounds fucking fire. Added bonus that it's valve's community.

is it caz tf2 is on fire?

EDIT: oh, it's 3rd person! sry

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I don't know if this it the right sub for this. And also they probably require the original instagram post, but a bit of photoshop'll do the trick.

Anyways I'm talking about this youtube video:

And here are two pics that I got from it (I' sure there are more in there):



Anyways, just posting if maybe some of you'll find some of the frames good for a meme you had in mind.

[-] 76 points 5 months ago

I don't get what's supposed to be wrong here, it works on my machine

KDE keeps bugging out. (

I haven't yet learned how to replicate the bug, it keeps happening at seemingly random intervals. Right now it happened after walking away from my pc for a while, and when I got back it happened.

I find my taskbar (Set to be on the bottom) at the top, when I open the edit tool it says that it's still at the bottom. The add widget button just doesn't do anything. The notifications are at the middle of the screen (however they are set to be bottom right).

This all started happening after I updated to plasma6. I searched online and found that typing killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell into alt+space fixes it for a while. But it's not a permanent fix.

Also pre-update I didn't had any problem with my screen going blank while watching Youtube, but now my screen goes to sleep when I watch fullscreen Youtube.

I'm sorry that I got no more information, if I should supply some logs or screenshots, please tell me and I will.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

The game starts but I have extreme performance issues. I'm not talking about low fps or input delay, I have a decent gaming pc, and it's relatively new. I'm talking about stutters, heavy ones. I manged to snap two screenshots of this happening on 60fps cap and uncapped:

Almost all video settings are unrelated. If I lower them the freezes also lower in number, but I don't think it's a hardware limit.. if this can't run it on high-med (as I had it) nothing can. I ran some benchmarks and stress test, both on Windows and Linux, both Vulkan and Dx11, It didn't stutter.

Some other things to mention is how I run it. From Steam, normally. I have no forced proton selected, I did no other configs. However I might have something fucked as:

I can run this .exe natively. I'm sure I can't so what's going on?

Anyways, thankfully mangohud got me and tells me that I'm using proton-experimental 9.0. (on the prev. screenshots, I had forced proton enabled, stutters the same)

I tried using steam tinker, and it says: "using proton-unknown-958".

I have no idea what information more to give, I just typed out things that might be related to the issue. If something's unclear or if I should supply more information, just tell me. Thanks in advance for any help or tips.


thanks for the tips, this one was solved by u/Leopard1907 over on Reddit.

it was my driver, and these two commands:

  • sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
  • sudo pacman -R amdvlk lib32-amdvlk
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

I'm on Samsung Galaxy A32 4G.



The post has 6 up- and 4 downvotes. On the homepage I only see the upvotes, not the sum of both. I can only see the downvotes when I open the post.

edit: extra info: 1000007508

[-] 58 points 7 months ago

I get the poor animals part, but this just seems like avarage shit you have to do in the countryside. Any good country folk know that (some) animals are your enemy, if there are wasps near your house? You kill them, their nest, wait for the extended family to search for their homes and kill them too. Now it's a much safer enviroment. Same with all rodents, same with all insects, same with slugs.. I guess, I never heard of a slug problem.


My friend says that there is, but I told him to show me the it's chart, and he said that it's not about that (?).

So here I go asking: Is there any other type of chart (g/mm) outside of the two?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I just started noticing it like half an hour ago. I'm fairly new to this OS, so I have no idea where to look for any logs or anything.

I took a screenshot with Spectacle, and instead of it putting it into the clipboard it cleared it. Then when chatting on Discord (thru Vencord) and pressing ctrl-A & ctrl+X to write another message first, ctrl+V didn't paste as my clipboard was empty. the screenshot happened multiple times, text only once. I can't replicate it. I'm on Arch KDE, checked the clipboard setting, I don't have a hotkey that I may be fat-fingering. I tried rebooting.

I tried abusing the clipboard while writing this, and just to mock me everything worked. So this might be a spam post without me even knowing, in that case I'm sorry; But please tell me how I can look at the logs, maybe I can catch it red handed still.

edit: no problem since, I haven't done anything. Sorry for wasting your time.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

well it's less about surround and more about sinks in general. I have 3 hardware sinks. My headphones, my monitor and my mic for some reason has a headphone jack. When I pick the virtual surround sink as default it works perfectly. However the device I'm hearing the sounds from is uncontrollable. It likes to choose my microphone, so I get no sound. The way I figured out I can temporarily change this is by setting the default to my headset, and back to surround.

Now I wouldn't want to do this every time I start listening to anything. How can I make it so that the virtual sink's output is at a specified device. Or alternatively I looked into, maybe I can just disable these unused sinks, turns out I can only turn off alsa ports, which won't do as it'd disable my microphone's source part as well.

Arch, kde, pipewire-pulse and wireplumber is installed but I didn't find a use for it so far

and I haven't even touched Eqs and bitrates. I fear I'm gonna post a lot. You guys are the only reliable source fr, I read a bunch of docs on a bunch of sites, asked any way I could two AIs.. nothing. is it even possible to do this?


You have heard the story "I have moved to Linux (arch btw).", well.. this is also my story. Anyways I have problems with my headset's virtual surround. I realized that almost all of the drivers are just simply not working on Linux, but also that there are a bunch of alternatives. I have a HyperX cloud 2 (it was cheap), it's 5.1 by default and 7.1 if toggled. Since I switched to Linux it has been stereo only. And I also feel like the sound quality is worse.

I heard somewhere that any headset can be virtual surround if configured correctly. And they sell "gaming junk" because people don't know of this. I'm writing this so that hopefully some of you can teach me how to make any headset surround. I feel like I also must learn how to do this if I'm planning on gaming on Linux.

PS: I tough about buying an actual good headphone, but if it's not capable of surround than that's kind of a deal-breaker. I don't play that much, but I remember playing shooters on stereo and they were unplayable, I wouldn't like to lock myself out of those kinds of games.

there are so many things wrong with this

[-] 57 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

How do you use it? I'd like to try it out as well.

"Mom said it's my turn on the world altering maybe not evil artificial intelligence"

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