
joined 1 month ago


Moi et une amie japonaise, on va passer une soirée à regarder un film et je cherche quelque recommandations. Elle aime bien la France et de coup je cherche un truc français ou ça se passe en France. Je ne connais pas grand chose quand ça concerne le cinéma français. Elle aime tout ce qui est comédie, romantique, policier et thriller. Elle a bien aimé Amélie. De mon côté c'est surtout thriller, dramatique, policier comédie. J'ai trouvé ces films qui ont l'air intéressant et peuvent plaire à nous deux :

  • L'appartement - 1996
  • Léon - il faut que je check la version courte car les scènes en plus sont très gênante.
  • Trois couleur : Bleu
  • Le Parfum
  • Intouchables ou Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis mais je ne sais pas si je vais aimer.
[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 1 points 10 hours ago

Pour moi c'est le contraire, j'aime bien quand la série ne se focalise pas que sur l'enquête. J'aime avoir une vision des personnages et leur entourage. Dans le passé j'aimais bien les séries policières où la plupart de l'épisode est sur l'enquête (CSI, Monk,... Etc) et puis j'ai découvert The Wire que je trouve plus réaliste.

Peut-être tu vas aimer The Killing beaucoup mieux ? C'est 80% de l'enquête mais on explore quand même les personnages principaux.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 2 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Je pensais que tu parlais d'une image docker. Je ne connaissais pas Armbian, mais là j'ai compris, tu parles de l'image Iso.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Peut-être le mot de passe a été changé dans l'image docker ?

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Thanks for your comment.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Yes I think communication and respect are important in relationship and nothing good will come if they are missing. At first I was afraid she was using tatemae ("I'm not sure but let's meet again,... You are nice"). They are typical answers that you can get in my country if someone isn't interested.

She is staying for at least 4-5 years and even considering moving to my country. She likes my country and was learning the language before we even met.


I met this Japanese girl in some language forum few months ago and we started exchanging messages on daily basis (but only one message a day). I started liking her as I loved her personality and way of thinking and didn't seem like other Japanese girls (but maybe it is just me having the stereotype image). She is also my type. She studies in a neighboring country. She did come to my country for a visit and met her face to face. Before coming, I asked her if she is single and interested in a relationship and it was the case. So I suggested going on a casual date and she said yes.

When we met, we walked through the city and then went for dinner but nothing fancy or romantic. After that I told her that liked the time we spent together and would like to see her again and going on more dates. She told me that she's not sure but she would like to see me. From her answer, I understood that she wasn't interested.

I didn't bring that subject until we started talking about difference in dating between Japan and western European countries. For her going on a date is not something casual and happen when the relationship in an advanced stage, before that is hanging out. So I asked her if she misunderstood my previous messages and suggested meeting her and hang out and see. She accepted and asked me what made want to see her again. So I told directly that I like and find her cute. She told me that she wasn't aware that I was seeing her in that way. I was a little surprised and I thought it was obvious.

We will be meeting in a few weeks and we started looking for things to do. We will be going to watch a very romantic play she suggested and she even asked if we can watch something together in the place I will be staying.

So I am really confused, those seem like things you do in a second or third date in my country. Or something you just do with a friend. But I don't have too much experience in dating (neither her I think). On my side I won't make any assumptions and will spend time with her as planned, if things feel right I may ask her directly (I won't just hold her hands or kiss her).

I know every experience is different but I would like to know your thoughts on this.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 94 points 1 week ago (15 children)

It is already dumb for a German to buy an American car. It is like a French buying an American wine.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Je cherchais à acheter des chaises tabouret mais je n'ai pas trouvé des modèles qui me plaisent dans les magasins de ma petite commune, ni sur Internet. De coup j'ai check LBC et je suis tombé l'annonce parfaite, un modèle qui me plaît, presque neuf (acheté il y a un mois), juste à côté et livraison possible.

On me les a livré et c'était conforme à l'annonce. Par contre elles puait l'odeur qu'on retrouve chez les vieilles personnes. Le premier jour, tout mon salon puait pareil. Maintenant on ne remarque pas l'odeur, mais l'odeur est toujours là. On dirait que ma situation est la même que dans un des épisodes de Seinfeld.

Quelles solutions me conseillez vous ?

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Actually last time, I clicked on the wrong button on Amazon and the item have been ordered in one click. Obviously that wasn't what I wanted to do and needed to cancel it which wasn't a one click action.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I don't know why American do it each time there is something like this. I may understand doing for huge medical bills but here it is just some one who didn't get a tip. It is sad but I don't think there is a need for a GoFundMe.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I went to Oslo once and when I checked I found a cheap stay like 25€/night. But apparently it was a scam and the listing doesn't exists, and many have fall for it and reported it and wrote about it in the reviews. Booking still keeps it and refuse to refund.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Avec tout le progrès de la médecine on arrive toujours pas à diagnostiquer l'origine de certaines douleurs.

Il y a quelques années j'avais mal au genou gauche et le médecin m'a envoyé chez le podologue qui n'a rien de spéciale. On repars pour IRM, des radios un autre podologue. La douleur a disparu après quelques mois. Principalement car j'ai arrêté de courir, faire moins de vélo.

En début de cette année, c'est la main gauche qui me fait mal. Et j'ai l'impression que je vais repartir pour séries de rendez vous. J'ai déjà fait quelques séances de kiné mais ça ne s'améliore pas vraiment. On va voir ce ça va donner les radios.

[–] Underwire@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

J'ai fini la première saison de 4 Blocks. On me disait que c'est la version allemande de The Sopranos avec de la mafia arabe. D'ailleurs le boss s'appelle Toni et je ne sais pas si c'est une réf à Tony Soprano. Les autres ont tous des noms arabes.

J'ai trouvé que la mafia arabe n'avait pas le même charme que la mafia italienne. De coup j'ai arrêté.

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