This is what Israel is trying to do with Palestine, too lol.
Never heard of this option. Interesting! Will have to look into it. Thanks for the direction. I'm learning so much about Python just from this thread alone.
It reminds me of Javascript, in that by itself it's a very simple language, even more straightforward than JS I think, but there's so many libraries and tools and things people have made for it, there's a lot to learn just from that.
I'll have to double check. More than 1000 lines but not sure by how much. But most of it is xml parsing so it's possible that can be translated by an AI easily.
EDIT: But I was also hoping to use this as as an opportunity to learn more about Python so probably going with one of the other options, but I appreciate the ideas.
They exist but I only ever see them in ml threads, maybe like two or three, or other instances that .world isn't federated to but is (like Lemmygrad and hexbear). I haven't seen one in a .world thread since the defederation and yet it's still the top comment every time there's a thread on China or Russia.
It just comes off as an odd goal to me. The problem isn't that tankies exist. The problem is that the US and the West have been been doing colonization and imperialism to countries for the last 200 years and spent the last 100 saying communism doesn't work and then proving it by destabilizing their democracies, attacking them, funding coups, sanctioning them, selling their enemies weapons, and cutting them out of the Western order; as well as spying on the, blacklisting them, arresting them, and killing them at home. And at the same time putting up a ton of propaganda. The problem is that people don't know history, they don't travel, and they only speak one language so they don't talk to people in the global south except for the conservatives that run and hide here in the West and say how awful it was when someone took their slaves or corrupt business.
As long as the Global South is poorer and in a siege mentality, which will continue for as long as the US military and it's dollar is in charge of the world, communism won't look nice. And that's because capitalism has pushed the West to ravage the world for its resources and continues to do so. Then they compare themselves to Cuba or Vietnam, instead of countries of equal development, like Ethiopia, Haiti, Guyana, or hell, Puerto Rico, which is a capitalist territory in the US and just spent New Year's in the dark.
As for why I jumped to some conclusions, I think it's natural. It's like complaining about black power people being too eager while black people still face huge racism in this country. Imagine if you went into the comment section of a news article about a black person committing a crime and saying, "hey can someone give me the source? I'm making a document of all the crimes black people in the black panthers have done. But I'm not racist, I just think the black panthers go too far and I want other people to know being anti-racist doesn't have to be like that." Meanwhile, they're setting up shelters, food banks, and book clubs, and the FBI is killing them in the streets. That would be suspicious, right?
Maybe only if you knew about those things. Otherwise, you would think the Black Panthers are the bad guys simultaneously thinking you're not a racist, while in actuality you are hurting the cause you purported be for. In the US, they try to cover up the bad they do and the good their "enemies" do all the time, so it's a similar situation. But people don't know what they don't know. Hence the difficulty of researching AES countries using western sources and people.
But I hope it goes well, and maybe with further research and discussions you can find a good path through it. Just keep an open mind.
My highest priorities are having it useful for a variety of users, lasting awhile, and general quality (responsiveness, actually works, etc). After that I'm pretty evenly split between doing it quickly, doing it in a way that would help me learn more Python for my career, and making it look good.
Was it for a movie? That sounds awesome.
Communists self-critical all the time. I encourage you tk actually go on hexbear and read their struggle sessions. They are constantly arguing about what foreign countries should do and not do, even the communist ones, like China. They critically support it because of its resistance to US imperialism, they don't automatically think everything they do is good. That is the definition of "critical support", a thing no one in seems to understand.
I think you actually need to talk to communists instead of libs before you make this document. You need to engage them in real conversation. You're just going off propaganda news articles and third party hearsay. There aren't any actual tankies in this thread so you're not getting any first-hand information.
It sounds like you're using self-crit as an excuse to recycle and peddle lib propaganda and nonsense. Meanwhile, the US is on the verge of fascism. You're looking for reasons to make people not be communists rather than finding out why people should be.
Seriously, imagine making an "anti-tankies" document after Trump was elected and we're on the verge of fascism in the US, UK, Germany, France, and Canada. There are higher concerns and communists like those are always on the front lines fighting fascism.
It doesn't help that the US and West kept destroying socialist countries. Imperialism means every socialist covert is in siege mentality until the last capitalist, imperialist superpower is gone.
They're already banning porn in general in red states. It's already begun.
That was a good raid. Good times.