I understand the concern but if ot stops underage people from getting on, I think it's a good idea. All social media needs it too. We have to protect our kids better. As someone with step kids, I hate that they use tiktok but they were already addicted to it when I entered the picture.
I've been playing hell let loose maybe I'll give it a go
I've never played battlefield, I've always played cod, but I'm done with cod, how is battlefield comparatively?
Just ask the fucking Canadians, they have all the answers on what we SHOULD do.
I don't think Americans are trying to steal your proprietary business info or anything else. That's kind of a stupid question.
Lmao, you are bitching about Americans and you want to give your business to fucking China? Honestly, not much better. They will be spying on your whole fucking infrastructure in 3 years.
Only bumper sticker I have says "shoot your local predator" with a camera (thanks anxiety war!) What does that say about me?
This will be Musk on mars.
I voted you fucking little bitch. There's absolutely nothing else I can do. Fuck you, what are you doing that is so much better than what I did? Enlighten all of us.
Yeah I mean I guess I'm biased, pgh housing market hasn't really be affected and there aren't massive new housing plans like there are in the west. Here you can buy a house with good bones that needs cosmetic remodeling for 60,000
Ok cool. Thanks for letting us know.