I mean, listen, I put my sweatshop pants on one leg at a time like everyone else, and I still manage to pay attention. I don't always have the deepest understanding of stuff, but how deep do you have to dig before you understand "I'll be a dictator on day one" is not ok?

I just don't understand how these people move through the world. Yes, it's exhausting to be plugged in, and it's totally possible to consume too much "news", but how do people just not think about the wider world? I mean, I've got a job and a family, and I somehow manage to also be concerned about current events and global affairs.

I dunno. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I am crazy.🤷

I dunno. At least Trump is too fuckin stupid to hide it.

I did Google F451 fireman to make this


Yup. Patriarchy did them dirty. Society told them they had to be strong, stoic, and without emotion. And when that butted up against the realities of being a human we didn't have any community to lead them towards living a good and healthy life.

Agreed. I'm a teacher and see it in my classrooms. I often feel that they're not taught how to have healthy community, so they become lil fascists...

The kids are alright.

From what I understand, literally anything. They're concerned about microscopic dust in their precision machinery.

Vouchers are my tax dollars. So they don't want their money to go to anyone else, but they're ok taking everyone else's.

You first, whitey.

Honestly, her gender is one of the few things I actually respect about her.

She's an entrenched neo-lib who thought herself so entitled to the presidency that she got her conference to shut down campaigns that actually had a chance while simultaneously neglecting to consider that the Midwest and rust belt exist and have legitimate grievances with the Democratic party.

I hope you don't feel any shame in this. It's absolutely disgusting that you live with this sort of fear, and I hope you have a community that you can rely on.

Also, I saw that someone suggested learning to handle firearms, which I agree with, but if home defense is what you're going for, a good ole fashioned Louisville Slugger will also often do the truck

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