[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 1 hour ago

I want to preface what im about to say by saying i do wear a mask, and think everyone should.

I think that the focus on masking was a misdirect similar to how the powerful will push personal responsibility about the climate to combat systemic issues. While yes masking is effective and important it means we are relying on the lowest common denominator of dumbasses to do the right thing. Which never works out well.

I think that a much better solution would be to have buildings like stores where large crowds gather indoors with air filtration systems, and UV overhead sanitation lighting. Especially at entrances and exits. Its been proven such measures make a big difference. You could easily incorporate UV lighting into normal light fixtures and effectively sanitize every surface in a building constantly. Air filtration is already in most buildings AC systems and could be retrofitted to filter for viral bodies. Most people would not even notice these things happening. People should still be encouraged to mask especially when they are sick, but solutions that do not rely on an individual doing the proper thing are much more reliable.

The reason they don't get pushed is that they cost money, and companies and governments do not want to do them. But when Biden was going to campaign events they brought portable air filters to keep the air in the buildings he was in clean so they are clearly aware of these solutions.

Also in this same vein vaccines during the height of covid were made free for those without insurance but i do not think that is the case anymore. Vaccination combined with those other solutions even without proper masking would massively reduce spread, and the fact it hasnt been done is simply a systemic issue.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 hours ago

Ya they never mention PSL and never include them on polls either Claudia is on my ballot so ill be voting for her even tho i dont actually think bougoise democracies are worth anything. Itll atleast elevate her visibility if she gets above 1% maybe.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 2 hours ago

What if Stalin, and Barack Obama made a baby?

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 5 hours ago

Well youve also got to take into account how many people live with room mates, or family and would end up homeless if they couldnt do so. Its common in larger cities to have 5+ roommates sometimes. Nothing wrong with living with others but if someone cant afford the smallest cheapest studio apartment in their area by themself thats housing insecure imo.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 19 points 13 hours ago

You can tell how annoyed he is. Hes like i cant deal with this bs im just gonna walk away. Probably cant wait to go home to China and get away from these liberal morons lol.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 13 hours ago

I feel like shes gonna lose michigan just like hillary did. By ignoring it. Will be funny if the same people make the same mistake again lol.


I was wondering what places you all find have the most reliable info about current events? Any specific news sites that do a good job of actually reporting on stuff most places ignore? Mostly looking for written articles rather than videos.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 day ago

Yes thats exactly what i was trying to get across. Thank you for putting it in such easy to digest language comrade.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 day ago

No your thinking too logically, and thinking about this scenario like its the real world at all. This hypothetical is so unrealistic that it changes all dynamics and makes things like that non-functional. You have to think about it from the perspective of all value, and all wealth derives from workers. So as soon as all workers are class conscious the rich stop being rich. You can't reward cops, and politicians for serving you if the workers you need to use to reward them wont work.

Its not a realistic scenario at all, its like hitting a magic red button and dissolving capitalism instantly. Even 90% class consciousness works like how your describing because there are still mechanisms for the rich to reward their elites, but in a 100% scenario that all breaks down. If 100% of people had true class consciousness and just inherently knew how to make their material conditions better everyone would turn on the rich except the rich. Theres no logical reason at that point not to do so. Money literally becomes valueless, and every worker could go on strike and every other workers would support them. The reason the mechanisms to keep control of society by the rich work now is because they divide and conquer. If everyone stopped listening all at once there is no way to keep control. Its already over at that point.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 day ago

Right now in the real world yes thats true. In this hypothetical where everyone is class conscious thats not the case tho. Its not a realistic hypothetical tho. But the systems the capitalists use to reward those cops for protecting them would entirely collapse, and the cops if they were class conscious would know this, and switch sides immediately since their material conditions would be better for it.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 day ago

I would argue we only need wages to subsist because there are so few of us with class conciousness. If everyone had it we could simply stop using money, and like grocery store workers, and farmers, and truck drivers just keep doing their jobs, but give the food out for free to people, and everyone could just stop paying rent, etc. Just stop participating in the capitalist system because there would be so few people left that would try to punish you for it. Thats why "everyone" being class conscious is a bit silly because its not a realistic thing to just happen overnight, and if it did then it would be like everyone suddenly agreed to overthrow the rich all at once. There wouldnt be a need for a struggle at that point really.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 days ago

if the cops were truly class conscious theyd know that theyd be better off not being the ruling classes dogs.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 2 days ago

if EVERYONE was class conscious there wouldn't be a need for a revolution. That would even include cops so we could just stop listening to the rich and ignore them lol. What are they gonna do about it in that imaginary scenario?

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