Why did you want to be on a reality show?
"But, but he speaks for us. He understands us. How can this be?"
I think he misunderstands the label/title “benevolent dictator for life” that can get assigned to people on some really popular open source projects.
That's very Nazi-esque of them.
It’s clearly woke!!
I can’t claim to have created that nickname, I borrowed it from elsewhere.
I don’t think anyone else has used WombleWagon yet, though it’s not quite as brutal.
He also doesn’t want to pay property taxes, and for what little it’s worth, he drives a cybertruck/wankpanzer.
Meta knows they don’t have enough CPUs and memory to run fact checkers on all the Trump supporters.
We can dream, though I'm sure the PM is a coward and won't do anything as drastic as that.
They’re hiring a “facilitator”? So, not someone who does actual real work? /s
And that's why we love Ukraine.