Clearly they all completely understand and empathise with the average American.
And he also wants a passport for his kid.
Downvoting because that’s a crappy site that makes me expand the story because I ignored the button to load the story in the app. Oh and auto play video. Sorry but no thanks.
Anyone with more than two brain cells to run together, who learns about the "Spanish Flu" of 1918-1920, should immediately say "I'm getting vaccinated, I'm wearing a mask and I'm self isolating". 50 million people died. 50 million! We got lucky with COVID because so many people unselfishly did those things.
Except Firefox’s bookmark system on android is absolute crap and looks hideous.
Someone is laughing all the way to the bank. I want to know who it is.
What a shitty life they must lead. Avoiding cops on the road, reading laws every day. I wonder if they’ll realize they wasted their life and were conned, on their death bed?
This whole SEO business disgusts me. It’s destroyed the web, meaning the content is no longer as important as the stuff you do to make Google suggest your site. I try to restrict myself to sites I know well, ones whose content I trust. Yay web! Not.
You really don’t want to be a pedestrian crossing the road in front of one of these. Just in case.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
When $98B revenue isn’t enough….
That's very Nazi-esque of them.