[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 4 points 2 weeks ago

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 5 points 2 weeks ago

I've been promoted and the company still had to post the job publicly for a couple weeks to satisfy internal protocol. It's insanity.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Thanks for the feedback!

I did select a language, and I do use a VPN.

I was not aware that a VPN would interfere with lemmy.world, as it works fine with other instances.

Is there a way to use a VPN with this instance? I live in a place where the local government has taken an interest in people's web traffic, so I don't want to go without it.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 5 points 2 weeks ago

Let's go full Thunderdome and institute bust a deal, face the wheel too.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 5 points 2 weeks ago

Ummm, you think an atheist memes community would think that humans aren't responsible for creating and using RoundUp?

You're a smart one.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 4 points 3 weeks ago

You're a satirical genius! Can I have your autograph? I've never seen such a good impression of a rabid Muskrat before.

I'd love to see your material on sovereign citizens next; their delusions are even more fun IMO.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Cry harder.

The modlogs are public, it's not a secret what you are: a reactionary who is scared of progress; afraid of losing control of the people you deem to be beneath you.

Boo fuckin' hoo.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 6 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It does represent racist slavery and segregation.

Some black folks are trying to repurpose it, and I think that's doomed to failure.

A tiny number of exceptions don't change the fact that it has been a symbol of white supremacy since it's inception, and I'm pretty sure you understand that based on your racist and homophobic comments.

The modern world is pushing the bigots out, and it terrifies you.


[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 7 points 3 weeks ago

Collard greens are the best greens!

I like this recipe, but I use bacon instead of turkey (though I'm sure a turkey leg would be fantastic too).

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It's not displaying correctly on my app, that's likely why.

I like your style.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 4 points 11 months ago

I always love how the Catholic Church gets to have it both ways: they simultaneously are bound by centuries of traditions that they revere, but are also not to held accountable for the damage that they've done merely a decade ago.

Have they apologized for trying to force their morally backwards religion on people? Have they funded lobbies to expand LGBTQ rights to reverse some of the damage they've done historically?

Do you think that the Cardinals who run the diaces who donated thone millions of dollars have reformed their ideas regarding same-sex marriage?

All the Catholic Church has done is to dress up their bigotry as inclusion, and credulous news agencies do their PR for them about how much the Catholic Church has changed to be more inclusive.

So I ask you, if you think they've changed: what exactly have they changed? They still lobby the government to impose their religion on the rest of us, they still believe that "acting on" gay urges is evil and weak, and they are still hiding child predators. The Catholic Church is an enormous institution, and merely replacing the CEO doesn't mean that every franchise is magically aligned with his new vision.

So how is pointing out their actual values (a particularly ironic turn of phrase) "bad faith?"

They've shown their contempt for sexual minorities for centuries; I think we should believe them.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemm.ee 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes, in the quoted scene Juliet is asking why Romeo has to be a Montague with whom her family is feuding:

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.

What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot Nor arm nor face nor any other part Belonging to a man. O be some other name.

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.

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