[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

Am I upset that women and children are being murdered? Yes. I guess you’re ssying I’m supposed to be fine with that. Sorry, I can’t be blind to atrocities just because they aren’t happening in my backyard. Seems like you are. You know that you can be against Trump AND murder, right?

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

If you want to make a point your vote in the only place to do it. Sure you can march in the streets for party change, but if you are going to vote for the person anyways you won’t be taken seriously. The point of all this is to show Dems that a Biden vote isn’t guaranteed like they think it is.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

I am for sure one of the smaller number of people doing this, but I watch YouTube on my TV using the TV app. As a result I always had to watch ads. I wish I could avoid them. I suppose a could watch from an alternative and then AirPlay it to my TV, but that’s about it.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

And the irony is that several people have already said they won’t vote for Biden. If you actually care about preventing Trump from running you would let another candidate run. And maybe, just maybe, don’t support the country that’s currently killing the family members of all the people whose votes you need.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago

That may be, but Math still encompasses all Math so there’s no need to pluralize it.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

I don’t understand why people say Maths. Math encompasses every single type of Math. Maths is just wrong.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

So Apple will no longer fix the watch that came out 8 years ago? I mean, how long should they have fix products for? You buy a $17,000 dollar watch don’t be surprised if the company that no longer sells the watch and hasn’t sold it in 8 years, won’t fix it. There are legitimate things to criticize Apple for. This isn’t one of them.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

Auto workers want to be paid a living wage rather then having all the money going to billionaire executives? Weird, it’s almost like the workers want a roof over their head and food to eat.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

I am not obsessed with Musk in any form, but the fact of the matter is when you have FSD systems that fail to do the thing they are supposed to do, then maybe it’s not the best idea to roll them out the entire world. Maybe it’s better to continue with more limited testing. You act as if all drunk driving/distracted will stop when FSD is used and that simply isn’t the care. Many people still use gasoline powered cars and drink and drive even though it’s dangerous to do so. Furthermore, FSD will lead to more distracted driving because people will assume the self driving means the car will take of everything and there is no need to be vigilant.

The plain truth is that while FSD can be the future, rolling it out despite knowing that it isn’t ready is not the solution it’s irresponsible and will cause harm. The almost accidents that you aren’t concerned with would have most likely killed the driver and probably other people to. Our difference of opinion here is that you believe it’s okay if people die as long the the testing shoes that there is a chance they won’t die in the future and think if anyone dies it’s too much. The feature clearly isn’t ready for prime time and needs more limited real world testing, but the fact of the matter is testing doesn’t bring in money.

Your inability to ever consider the fact that a worldwide roll out might not be the best idea right now since the testing shows the car isn’t ready shows that you really aren’t arguing in good faith. You have chosen the position that FSD is good and is ready even when confronted with articles like the above show it isn’t. I would wager that a lot of people want the era, of FSD, they just want it when it works. Keep the roll out more limited and do further testing. When mistakes happen, take the time to figure out why and how it can be prevented in the future. You argue testing is needed, but are in favor of a roll out now even though we need lots more limited real world testing. Both can’t be true. Time to think what you really want, because I don’t think you know.. And accusing any person who doesn’t want a complete roll out of FSD today of having a bias against Musk shows that.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I read it just fine. He asked for an example of a life threatening accident caused by Full Self Driving. I noted that 2 examples were listed in the article. The ONLY difference was that the driver prevented the accidents by being aware. The FSD was going to cause accidents without intervention. I guess in your would people are supposed to do nothing to avoid a major accident. Hilarious that you want to love FSD driving so much that you’re willing to defend a billionaire who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Billionaires are not your friends. FSD is BETA feature that doesn’t work properly. Take your love somewhere else and away from my comment because you read it, didn’t understand it, and fired off a reply stating I didn’t do something I did because you can understand me. The next time you want to have a discussion come prepared, or don’t come at all!

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 11 points 11 months ago

From reading this article is sounds like Musk was never good at any of the shit that made him money. He surrounded himself with people that were so he seemed good because the group as a whole did good. And by the time people realized all this he had too much power to be removed.

[-] Zummy@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Personally, I would like to see a Native App. I get that this PWA makes it easier to develop for both Android and iOS, but there’s something about Native apps that just seem like a better experience to me.

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