I’m sure he would have been good but I appreciate him opting out for artistic reasons if that is what happened.
I think the article’s connection to some of the aspects of the source material is relevant as well. As long as the conversation stays civil, I don’t see a problem with its inclusion in this community.
What a fantastic read! Kudos to the author of the upcoming book "From THE SPICE MUST FLOW: The Story of Dune, from Cult Novels to Visionary Sci-Fi Movies" due out on September 26.
I found the below experts to be very interesting and resonant.
Dune allows us to live in the future, love the artistic intricacy of that future, and then realize, with sobering clarity, that we can’t allow things to end up like that. Dune teaches us to face our fears, to recognize there are plans within plans, and to accept that not every victory is always what it seems. It also makes us look in the mirror and wonder who we are. Like Alia, Leto, and Ghanima, it sometimes feels as though we all have the memories of our ancestors lurking in our minds. The horrible things we’ve done as a species as well as the triumphs are all there, running through our minds at the same time. Dune says there is no way to turn away from the mixed bag of human history. There’s no easy fix for the horrible ways history has unfolded or the ways in which it may repeat itself.
The mystery of the future of humanity is similar. We can’t yet imagine the way in which we get to the future, and we can’t really picture what the universe will look like when the future unfolds. But it is what we want: to survive and to change. Dune says that change is possible. It’s not always all good, but it’s not all bad, either. “The best thing humans have going for them is each other,” Frank Herbert said. We don’t have to be owned by our fear. Because in the end, we can look at ourselves honestly, at this moment, and ask, without fear, “What are you doing?”
As to an answer to the central question of the article, personally, I believe the answer is yes. If enough people get serious about living mindfully, practicing kindness and demanding that those we put in power share these characteristics and values, we can save the world and evolve to be better. As the article asks, "What are you doing?"
Until this episode I thought the show was ok. I’m definitely more interested now. The lightsaber action was some of the best in live action Star Wars. I’m optimistic we will get some nice space combat too. Baylan is an interesting antagonist as well.
I think my enjoyment of the show will ultimately hinge on how well they adapt Thrawn and other elements from Zahn’s trilogy of novels. The show isn’t hitting Andor levels of quality for me yet but has touched Mandalorian levels.
If it works for someone’s specific case than this is most certainly the way. 👊🏻
If presented with a binary choice between minimizing carbon footprint with privacy-evasive EV or sticking with more polluting ICE vehicle and keeping privacy, what would you choose? Which choice is more ethically sound? What is more important between mitigating human-caused climate change or preserving individual human privacy? 🤔
Yup. I still wished we lived in a universe where the 'Scouring of the Shire' was at least filmed as a deleted scene. It's an important book end to the Fellowship Hobbits' arcs.
Lol! I can’t prove that as I agree with you. My spare time is just limited, so mobile or retro gaming is what I do on rare occasions.
Well, not that movie. ;) Certainly the upcoming cartoon film with the original creators.
Yes. There is other news out there, but here is one quick article link, https://www.ign.com/articles/blade-runner-2099-amazon-announces-live-action-series.
Your One True Home by Thich Nhat Hanh.