I mean back when I went to school it wasn't very hard to use a livecd to add my own local administrator account to the school laptop. Windows XP wasn't all that when it came to security and as long as you didn't flaunt it the teachers didn't care.
I imagine many in the younger generations had to find web based solutions for what sounds like local apps to us as they weren't allowed to install anything.
Changing a habit/workflow isn't the easiest of things.
Jag undrar hur snart därpå "elektrikare" lades till i listan. 1884 var året då Göteborgs första elverk togs i bruk.
So the issue is kind of similar to bitwarden; how to protect the premium bits when having an open source core?
They just didn't handle it as gracefully.
Here's the history regarding emby if you're curious:
Ah, that's good to know!
My jellyfin server is only available over vpn (and locally) so I haven't much looked into beefing up the security on the jellyfin server itself.
Yeah, the reverse proxy will need to be able to handle the network bandwidth of your video stream too.
I imagine something like Ontrack will quote you at least $1000
If you consider the data worth that then I would go for one of the big known firms.
If not then I would start researching how to replace a pcb and risk losing the data.
Yeah, I've written some custom css to get some better wrapping of libraries and such.
There's also the community themes worth looking into.
The space inefficiency is definitely there.
I find that clients, such as Jellyfin, Moonlight and Signal, works just fine as flatpaks but with those three apps my /var/lib/flatpak/ lands on 6.4GB.
When I temporarily had Discord installed it grew to 6.7GB, so the inefficiency is frontloaded and lessens the more of them you use.
The days are finally longer than the nights and I'm starting to see grass underneath the snow. I'm looking forward to start working in the vegetable garden and being able to have a nice cup of tea outside in the sun.