
joined 5 days ago
[–] 2 points 7 hours ago

Carsharing ist bundesweit ein wachsendes Angebot und erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit. Die Nachfrage nimmt nach Angaben des Bundesverbands ständig zu. Derzeit gibt es an knapp 1.400 Standorten bundesweit über 45.000 Fahrzeuge.

"You cant stop progress" sollte die Devise hier sein!! Wenn kleine Vorhaben plötzlich vereinzelt mit Ungerechtigkeit behandelt werden, weiß man, dass man was richtig macht.

Car Sharing ist so essentiell für die heutige Mobilitätsfrage. Ich wünschte hier im 50k Städtchen wäre es schon so ausgebaut, dass ich es auch zugänglich nutzen könnte

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

Since he was part of like 3 other songs on that album: I wonder what Kendrick Lamar's coment would be, as he was very clear about AI when AI Snoop dogg and AI 2pac were used in a song towards him

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

gym membership

[–] 3 points 8 hours ago

Thanks, perfect addition to that usecase

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

When the time has come for me to use the font, I would just enter a 1 minute mail like the ones you find when googling qwanting "trashmail"

[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

Wolfenstein would be a funny answer in current times

[–] 4 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Nwah behaviour

[–] 8 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

"What do you mean you arent forced into 2 sentences max and have to structure your thoughts ??2?"

[–] 64 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

New update just dropped


cross-posted from:

Note that there still have been no studies on its efficacy. At worst, it is a great font to avoid ambiguity between characters.

[–] 74 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

“Happiness isn’t just about wealth or growth — it’s about trust, connection and knowing people have your back,” said Jon Clifton, the CEO of Gallup. “If we want stronger communities and economies, we must invest in what truly matters: each other.”

Damn that was very well said


cross-posted from:

Thoughts on features to boost intent for posting more?

Like a karma system of that other forum website.

I currently miss a point system to motivate me that shows people via my profile how much I could help by posting/commenting. There's no system to create such feedback currently on Lemmy.

Are there statements by the creators of this platform about that?


Thoughts on features to boost intent for posting more?

Like a karma system of that other forum website.

I currently miss a point system to motivate me that shows people via my profile how much I could help by posting/commenting. There's no system to create such feedback currently on Lemmy.

Are there statements by the creators of this platform about that?


What would be your top 5 most important and impactful product/service to switch from US to European?

And bonus question: What is one product/service you think is not as imlactful as another product/service or as others think?

My top 5(and choice):

  • Search engine (Qwant)

  • AI chatbot (mistralAI)

  • Map app (mapyCZ)

  • Mobility: selling US cars (this one should have easy EU choices)

  • Food (may be very hard for some, but I think everyone should invest a lot of time into this topic)


Tech services neeeed(!) to be switched, since data is crucial in modern age. Oh also ofc don't use chrome based browsers.


Search: French is shockingly good, results, even in images is identical to Google/Bing. it has no AI integration which is fine, just use mistral. Only image search need a little refinement like a search for more identical of selected imagery. .

AI: is French and does the job to answer ie more specific but not too scientific questions.


Map: pleased with, ofc no street view but everything else, adding images of places is our job


Car: preferably even trying public transport+cycling or just cycling for groceries is a lot already or go for EU car if still needed for whatever degree


Food: this is a big topic, so I'll be general. I'd say don't be perfect. Go for the essentials you buy most. If you replace these, already rate that as a win. Because every brand is just a pseudo of a likely American corporation behind


Screenshot of a scene I really appreciated art wise !!!

upscaled/edited/touched up

Full resolution:

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

Full recipe:

Its so simple once you figured out which spice ingredients to pull out the cupboard.

  • Smash the chickpeas,
  • Put mayo in
  • Spices.
  • DONE!

And it tastes soooooo great! As somebody who doesnt like intense fishy tastes but still loving tuna from the days before going full plant, I find leaving out the nori doesnt change the tuna-like taste at all!

Tell me what you think/have already tried similar!


Since my feeds is working now, I figured I should contribute to the actual cause too :D


See big red box on image attached (collapse as in the feature on reddit)

There is also a container feature already. I marked it at the bottom of attached image with a smaller red box


More Context of me in another post

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Logged in:

EDIT: it started loading and works for now (without doing anything) ..


There's a couple listed on fedditOrg's description, but now I wonder which interfaces you guys use and how to find all the options

Also are they limited to my account? As in I'd need to create a second lemmy account under another community like for other interface "skins"


Untalended guy in programming here.

  • Is there a way to change the flavicon(icon in the tab preview as I understand) to another fediverse platform?

I currently have "mouse in flag colors" as an icon based on feddit org. But I would prefer for example the feddit IT logo - orange mouse, clean design)

Is that possible to change with like tampermonkey addon or something somehow in a rather easy way? I have an addon called "TwitterBird" for Mozilla replacing all X logos with the old blue twitter logo

  • Or is there even a better way to accomplish this without creating an additional account to swap to all the time?

Whats the best way to take action for me as a single user? What kind of posts should I focus on making? Ive heard of fetching reddit posts, maybe I could do that if theres like an easy process to do so, I'd happily feed some communities I like with posts from the silicon valley mafia platform to this platform!

Also whats the name of this platform? I registered under feddit org, is the umbrella term called fediverse? Accroding to wiki then this(fediverse) should be linked to platforms like pixelfed and mastadon too, is it? How do I see content from them or in what way are these platforms interlinked with this reddit styled one?

Anyone here? (
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

I dont see any posts in this forum, is this a me issue? (sorry am new)

EDIT: it started loading and works for now (without doing anything) ..

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