[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

“Banning being discussed at schools” is not what anyone is doing.

Yes, that seems to be the goal of the politicians pushing the anti-CRT narrative.

It’s being banned from being taught at schools.

Because of the incredibly vague definition of "CRT", it often leads to teachers just staying away from any topic that could in any way be seen as "CRT". Discussing "controversial" topics can leave a teacher vulnerable for accusations by students and most teachers don't want to get in trouble, so they play it safe and stay away from the topic altogether.

Banning schools from using their position of authority over children to indoctrinate them on garbage philosophy is a reasonable position.

Isn't that a bit naive? Of course politicians always claim that their language and thought policing is reasonable and use justifications such as "we just want to protect the children" or "it's a matter of national security"..

So I take this to mean you’re for smaller government?

Depends on what you mean with "smaller government". In practice, "smaller government" often just means that big corporations get to do whatever they want. But yes, certainly in terms of language/thought policing, censorship and how much power politicians should have, I am on the side of "smaller government".

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

I can only speak for myself, not for "the left" overall, because again, a Marxist for example would not say that "oppression is bad", they have a more materialist and anti-moralist view.

I would say that oppression is generally bad because it violates people's autonomy/personal liberty. So why is that bad? Or rather, why is personal liberty/autonomy good?

Well in my view, personal liberty is one of the few things virtually every human wants for themselves, it's one of the few things we can "agree on". Nobody likes to be a slave, nobody likes to not be in control of their lives. There are some people, for example some people who are into S&M, that do like to give up their autonomy and "be a slave", but at the end of the day, they are still the ones who make that decision on their terms.

Even the dictator or king or whatever wants autonomy, at least for themselves. The reason why they don't want autonomy and freedom for others is often because they believe that restricting other's freedom gives them even more personal freedom to do whatever they want to do.

But the thing with personal liberty/autonomy is that from a leftist perspective, it has to be "equally distributed" to people, otherwise it's not really freedom. If you give people not only the freedom to control their own lives, but the "freedom to control other people's lives", we aren't talking about freedom anymore, we are talking about oppression or even tyranny.

To use an extreme example, if there is a country where there is only 1 person with complete autonomy/personal liberty, we wouldn't call that region "free", we would probably call it a tyranny. It means that one person is calling all the shots and does whatever they think is correct without having to consider anyone's opinions.

That person could argue that they are "the most free person ever" because that person has more "freedom" than anyone in a society where freedom is distributed equally. For example, that person could have "the freedom to just have someone executed" randomly in the streets, but again, we wouldn't call that freedom, we would call that oppression or tyranny. So in order to have a free society, everyone has to be equally free, so to speak.

To come back to your question, why is oppression bad?

On a personal level, because I, like pretty much all people, want to be in control of my own life and I don't want my life to be determined by somebody else against my will.

On a more societal level, I would say that oppression is bad because it leads to tensions and conflicts between "oppressor and oppressed", which leads to instability and violence. Because of that, it's bad for everyone, even for the oppressor, because in many many cases, the oppressor will end up either receiving retaliation for his oppression or spend the rest of his life being paranoid about retaliation by the people he oppresses.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

You have got to be trolling, you cannot possible believe that this makes any logical sense..

Most child predators drink water. Do you drink water?

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

Troons are officially diagnosed with a mental illness.

So "mental illness = groomer", that's your logic?

Also Nazis are not conservative. They are socialist faggots.

Right, I'm sure that's true in your little fantasy world..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

Sure, and conservatives are mostly racists and Nazis, right?

You generalize people like that you don't need to wonder why people generalize you..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

The fact that you equate LGBT people with "groomers" and pedophilia does not give me much hope that this will ever be a place to be taken seriously.

Seems more like a locker room full of 14 year old wannabe edge lords or a call of duty lobby than anything else..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

Well I'm sure Jesus is very proud of you for that comment..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

No, he’s just using his freedom of speech

Yeah, he is using his freedom of speech to express his opinions that "trannyfags should be lined up and shot... No matter the context."

Whether he is telling me specifically to do those things is irrelevant, he is still calling for the execution of draq queens, trans people, homosexuals or maybe all of them at the same time..

Lining up and shooting people cannot be done without violence in case you didn't know..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

Where women’s clothing if that is what you love doing so much.

I don't care about wearing women's clothing and I don't care about other people wearing women's clothing or not wearing women's clothing, it is of virtually 0 interest to me..

But if you harm children or their minds, the Lake of Fire awaits you.

Says the person calling for the killing of people simply because they wear the wrong clothes..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

Lol I'm not the one who is crying mate. You are the one that's so upset by men wearing women's clothes that you want them to be shot 😂 This server even disabled downvotes because they can't handle them..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

So open calls to violence are just tolerated here? And then people act all surprised and start crying when everyone de-federates them..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 1 points 1 year ago

No one cares about the current user base.

The current user base does.

We can attract normal people.

No, not at this moment, lemmy is not ready for that. Even the tech savy redditors are/were struggling to understand lemmy's federated structure. "Normal people" are barely able to figure out how traditional social media works.

In addition, there is a lot of work to be done to fix technical issues before there is even a slight chance of lemmy becoming a respectable platform, let alone a mainstream platform.

There is a very extreme few pushing things though.

The admins are the ones pushing things of course, after all, they are the ones paying the servers and the ones who get in trouble for hosting controversial content they don't want to deal with..

But to repeat myself once again, this is supported by a majority of the userbase.. Maybe this changes in the future, who knows, but that's just a fact..

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