[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 28 points 1 month ago

I really don’t understand this. All these search engine companies give millions of users a single button to create the most soulless art you’ve ever seen, but instead of caring about that they attack the tool that most enables the user to have control over their generation. You can argue that unlimited competition is bad for commission artists, but this attack is not “Pro Art”.

Using creative cloud isn’t a sin, but helping maintain Adobes industry stranglehold should be.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 24 points 1 month ago

If anybody reading this is voting against Biden because of Palestine (effectively a vote for trump under fptp) these are trumps #1 fans and bill payers

Pro trump is not pro Palestine.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 30 points 1 month ago

Source film maker. Kind of like Garry’s mod but specifically for making videos.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 34 points 1 month ago

I forget where I read it but I think they’re pushing a republican rider with it to “outlaw foreign election money” or something. Which is funny since the biggest election interference I’ve seen was a “newspaper” I got last year, filled with disinfo and sent from Illinois. Probably from the Illinois republican billionaire that spent a boat load of money fighting weed/abortion in a state he doesn’t have any business being in.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 101 points 1 month ago

You can, you’ll just have to come pile it up


Hello, when I relaunch the app, my control center shows ringer volume instead of media volume. If I go home or swap apps control center shows media volume until I relaunch. When I close the app it’s back to media. Lmk if you need more info.

If I see it up I always wonder why I turned it up so loud, turn it down, then sleep through my alarm 😅 I already had to set up an automation to fix my ringer after my car mutes it. I’m glad my boss isn’t a hardass. Maybe iOS 18 will add a systemwide alarm volume

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 52 points 2 months ago

Payday 3 has online only lobbies. On launch nobody could play for weeks because they were entirely overrun. Truly a baffling decision after the steam deck launch, probably made because they had some deal with their server provider. All while also competing with payday 2.

Just checked and payday 2 is sitting at 20k current players while 3 is still <300.

For comparison helldivers launched several months later, also had always online with launch server capacity issues, at a much higher scale, and fixed them within a week. That’s with Sony resources backing them, but still. Payday was out for weeks before it was playable for most.

Just checked for laughs and helldivers 1 has more players than payday 3 right now.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 22 points 4 months ago

Nobody tell Terrance Howard.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 23 points 5 months ago

You know the kind of guy who does nothing but browse the internet and then wonders why his life sucks? One by one I’m gonna make up for all the grass I didn’t touch.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 38 points 9 months ago

They gotta put the new Z body on an electric base. I’d trade up


I haven’t figured out upscaling too well yet 😅 but this is a start. I use ComfyUI

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 41 points 10 months ago

The other day Astarion jutted his chin up and out (very smugly) and his neck stretched and the Addams apple moved correctly. Games have come so far

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 38 points 10 months ago

Hypermasculinity’s “oppressors” include flowers, rainbows, other people choosing to wear dresses, a functioning government, and welfare.

Trans folks oppressors are the hypermasculine.

[-] awesomesauce309@midwest.social 21 points 10 months ago

I grew up around and still live with these people. Let me tell ya how they think: They don’t. They don’t even really know what a liberal is.

To them a liberal is something other than them. And the ingroup they’ve spent their whole lives trying to fit into says that’s bad, so they are against liberals and everything they do and say and want. But so is everyone they know, so they’ll oppose liberals even louder and more extreme, in a bid to get noticed by their peers at work, church, family, and party.

And of course they’re right, liberals are shit. But they don’t know why, because again they Do. Not. Know. What. A. Liberal. Is.

And if they ever figure it out and outgrow the childish mentality of opposing without understanding, they will be outcast from their friends, family, and community. And that is the fear that keeps them lockstep in line, voting for the apocalypse.

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