I admit, first time I read that headline I was like, "WHAT? Israel adding Asbestos to their bombs now? How sinister. What's next - radon?" It took a minute to get up to speed.
Props to the photographer ready with the optimal camera settings.
Unless he was so caught up in the wackiness that he became indirectable, he gets a pass in my opinion. If that's not the tone Waititi wanted, he would have been asked to be an actor and change the performance. Chris, you're good. Keep on keepin' on.
If ultraconservative justices are against the new rule, that's how you know it's working.
You can improve your google search results by using DuckDuckGo instead.
And for a short while, twitter was silent.
you might be looking at an entirely different kind of portal.
Now run your straw through a concentric larger straw and pump -30C glycol through the annulus. You can get your 96C tea down to 54C in seconds! Think of the efficiencies gained!!
Anyone that thinks the Orange Buffoon has a plan other than get as much cash from the marks as possible is willfully ignoring the obvious.
Tell me you want negative population growth without saying you want negative population growth.