I should have been more specific that this was a Pixel. Does your phone have a way to accomplish the same thing?
Rust has some big binaries due to static linkage, and the Rust coreutils gets around this Busybox-style, compiling everything into one binary that you hard link to. Pretty neat. The project is easy to build and mess with without installing if you're curious about it. And you could add the build dir to the front of your path if you want to try it out with low risk.
I want to throw in a second good word for hashtags. I follow a tiny handful of people, almost entirely personal friends. But I follow a lot of hashtags. Because it typically is the content that I'm after as opposed to a particular person. If my favorite poster of weather information decides to post something about accounting, I don't really want to see that. Also following a hashtag gets you a lot more exposure to like-minded people than you would if you were trying to follow them all individually, and you see a lot more posts about things you enjoy.