Uyghurs have joined the labour force, how did China get away with this 😫
Give me a single picture of a neighbourhood in Xinjiang that looks like a neighbourhood in Gaza. Xinjiang is a 1.5m sq km region, how come there is nothing out there of such a massive place.
There are hundreds of videos of foreign tourists in Xinjiang looking for any sign of a genocide and they can't find anything, is it possible that you have been lied by the same people that have lied time after time?
The liberal cause? You mean the genocide of indigenous people and the enslavement of black people?
The early USSR policies built strong socialists foundations, without a highly developed industry to produce material wealth there is no possibility of a socialist future, only of an abundance of povery.
This "destroyed any hope of a socialist democracy" comes from the mislead idealists that wanted the "war communism" implemented during the civil war to continue, which would've lead to a catastrophe of gargantuan proportions a couple of decades later with the invasion of Nazi Germany.
Let him cook, let the user talk about history so far it has only thrown insults.
We had oligarch Peter Thiel express this publicly too in a recent speech, "competition is for losers, our goals are monopolies".
they're the newest scapegoat, the bourgeoisie always need a scapegoat to redirect the other classes grievances to them.
if you hate war and destruction so much why aren't you this staunchly anti-US?
average user right here lmao
Yes they murdered invading nazis.
"We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it." - Marshal Zhukov
counterpoint: everyone should read writings from every historical world leader, you will be in for a surprise. You'll find out that mainstream respected world leaders churchill and Teddy R almost echo hitler on their writings.
Why do you think that Taiwan official name is "republic of china"?