Drugs are pretty great.
Sending good vibes yours and Calvin's way. Sounds like he's got some chutzpah, so I know he'll be fine. Hope you aren't too shaken up. Know that this internet stranger is here if you want to talk about it.
Pre-shrunk cotton is where it's at, home skillet.
Por que no los dos?
For sure. I was just being a bit cheeky.
Proof that thicc thighs save lives. Also, the shark face on the thigh highs was an excellent touch.
The best part of helping them button up and look their best in something they enjoy, is getting to unbutton it later. There are many flavors in life, the happiest man is the one whose palate can savor all of them.
Man, you guys really know how to kick a guy when he's down. Time to grind for enough of a living to dissociate into the past! Goodbye cruel reality!
Ah, so there's at least one good thing that came from Max removing a bunch of cartoons from the platform. Not exactly equivalent exchange, but I'll take the dubs where I can.
Bruh, start charging at a booth and never have to serve food again.
It's got my vote.