[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 43 points 15 hours ago

Sometimes it's ok to be late.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

It feels like you didn't quite understand... If you've ever read an AI essay, you can see some of the way they currently write. When you see facts and figures thrown in from the internet in terms of what the company does and they sound.... Artificial... It's rather obvious that it was AI written. I'm currently getting AI spam and it's also quite easy to see and detect. It's the same thing.

Someone used an AI tool to write a cover letter and sent it to me. I've seen this a few times. It seems very obvious when you come across it.

I'm sure it'll get better in the future, but right now it needs massaging in order to sound real. There's a very obvious uncanny valley that exists with some AI writing. That's what I'm talking about.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 126 points 2 weeks ago

"On the other hand gas has a much higher energy density than batteries and a much faster refuel rate."


I see CEO's as the last working person in the system. They are at least putting in the time and effort to make money. The are "the last working man/woman" in the chain up to the owners. The real travesty is the owners who get all the money without doing any actual work.

If the CEO makes less money, do you think you'd get more? The answer is no. A company will control costs and not pay employees more than they have to. Your salary has nothing to do with the CEOs salary and at least in theory you have a chance to become CEO... more of a chance than you have of becoming an owner.

The inherited wealth, the hedge funds, the owners... they get all the return. They get all the rewords. Even my boss, who started the company I work at, he makes his money by being an owner. His salary as a CEO is pennies vs his salary owning the company. The success of the company should be shared amongst the employees who made it happen, and the truth is they aren't. That's the real kick to the nuts, not the salary of the CEO.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 49 points 4 months ago

The idea that if you're still living at home that your parents are still taking care of you. That they still make your food, do you laundry, pay your bills, etc. there is also a stereotype that you're emotionally stunted since you haven't moved out and had to take care of yourself. This is often summarized in the neck beard living in his parents basement meme.

I'm not saying this is true, but that's the idea.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 35 points 5 months ago

You'd be amazed what some good old fashion propaganda will do for you.

The US was so gung-ho after 9-11 they accidentally attacked the wrong country. I know they didn't have any problem getting troops or buy-in from the people of all ages. It was pretty disgusting how quickly your average citizen bought into the bull-shit the Bush administration was selling when it was obviously a lie.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 44 points 6 months ago

I liked the random.exe that unmuted your computer, turned the volume to max, and said "hey everybody, I'm downloading pornography!". My friend got a big kick out of that when he ran it at work. .......ah, those were the days....

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

"I disagree with the idea that workers should have a voice about working conditions or a share of the earnings. Tesla is mine and I can treat the employees like shit if I want to!"

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 131 points 7 months ago

I'll take a 5 sec delay over ads any fucking day of the week.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 69 points 10 months ago

This should 100% be televised. This affects us all. This was the attempted overthrow of our democracy and justice should not be hidden.

There is way more benefit then problem with this IMHO.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 36 points 10 months ago

Do you guys not remember how the SS "accidentally" deleted all the texts from SS agents on the day of Jan 6th? "Whoops! Our bad!" Heads should have rolled big time!

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 68 points 10 months ago

As bad as this lie is, it's not as bad as the lie that "slavery was good for the slaves" that republicans are pushing now.

[-] blady_blah@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

"When you're used to feeling on top, equality feels like oppression."

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