[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 28 points 6 months ago

It should be tied to federal minimum wage. You want a raise? The rest of us get one, too.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 28 points 6 months ago

TBF we are talking about unrealized gains. Their investments are worth more on paper, but until they sell them, the actual profit or loss will fluctuate. It would be an accounting nightmare to figure tax on unsold investments every year. I do, however, think capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as wage income.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 29 points 6 months ago

Office politics. I was a 4.0 student who was given an award by the faculty as best computer science student two years in a row. Despite being talented, extra hard working and driven, I had no idea how to play the game and my career stalled almost immediately. I watched others with weaker skills get promotions and raises because they knew the right people and served on the right committees. Being slightly autistic, I never realized the rules of the game. I quit after 8 years and started my own business, went back as a contractor getting 4x the pay, and it was awesome. There should be a class for people called "sucking up to management and gaming performance reviews."

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 28 points 7 months ago

It's racism, pure and simple. In my hometown, rural south, the schools were forced to integrate in 1973. The next year, a private school opened and magically only white kids were allowed in. All the talk about quality of education and school choice boils down to this: conservatives don't want their kids to be in the same building with black and brown kids.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

Where I live, you can't sell them without proof of ownership, so the insurance has gone way down.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

So as a grown woman, I'm not getting why teenage girls should give any of this oxygen. Some idiot takes my head and pastes it on porn. So what? That's more embarrassing for HIM than for me. How pathetic that these incels are so unable to have a relationship with an actual girl. Whatever, dudes. Any boy who does this should be laughed off campus. Girls need to take their power and use it collectively to shame and humiliate these guys.

I do think anyone who spreads these images should be prosecuted as a child pornographer and listed as a sex offender. Make an example out of a few and the rest won't dare to share it outside their sick incels club.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 33 points 7 months ago

To each his own. My AuDHD means if there are subs I can't pay attention to the images. Dubs all the way for me.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Most people, especially women, crave connection. We want to feel seen and understood. Cutting us off to provide a quick solution feels as if you really just want us to shut up so you can go back to whatever you were doing.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 40 points 7 months ago

My son graduated with a degree in economics in 2020 and still hasn't found a job. He's not counted in the unemployment numbers because he hasn't filed for benefits. We need to look at labor participation as well as underemployment instead of the useless stats being used in this article. Real wages have tanked. People are running up debt just to buy groceries. It's desperate out there.

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 33 points 9 months ago

Lint makes a great firestarter

[-] calypsopub@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

At today's car prices, it's actually cheaper for some people to use a rideshare every day. Especially when you factor in the cost of gas, maintenance, insurance,and parking. My friend drove for Uber and had a regular daily commuter, a nurse who worked in Houston's medical center where parking is around $30/day. We have no good mass transit options so Uber was the best choice.

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