[-] cizra@lemm.ee 3 points 1 hour ago

I'm sorry to hear that my suggestions were so loathsome. Is there really nothing in the world that would be interesting? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hobbies has some references.

On the topic of being virgin and single after 30, I just thought about my acquaintances, and I counted 5 of them that are definitely single, and I have much reason to suspect that they're also virgins (though of course this is not something I can claim for certain). Being single can be a lifestyle choice. Being virgin is not some visible stigma - nobody but you knows or cares. Well, now Lemmy community knows - and cares, we're here to support you.

You might (or might not, I dunno) have a case of clinical depression. This is something your doc maybe can help you with. These days, like being nearsighted is a solved problem (just get the right kind of glasses) - having the wrong chemicals float around in the brain might also pretty easily fixable with the right medicine.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 5 points 2 hours ago

What kind of other accomplishments might raise your mood? Get a hobby, take a walk, learn to solve Rubik's Cube, learn to cook. Plant a tree. Do something useless but fun.

Jobless? Virgin, never in a relationship? Absolutely every person on the planet once was. Some still are. More of these appear every now and then.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

Citation needed. I have the opposite experience.

My kids actually did just that (they started at age 7, I believe) - and what they ended up fishing out of the oven was terrifically tasty. I think it mostly consisted of baby porridge, sweetened cocoa powder, and sweetened condensed milk.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

Corpses of dead bacteria and dead tuna :)

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 14 points 1 day ago

There are bacteria everywhere, indeed. Inside canned food, there are dead corpses of bacteria only, thankfully.

Hypothetically, if you sterilized your mouth somehow to ideal cleanliness, it'd get contaminated next time you inhale unsterilized air.

Let's give a moment of appreciation to our immune systems. Otherwise, we'd be like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_combined_immunodeficiency

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 31 points 7 months ago

I'm using VNC over an SSH tunnel. TigerVNC's vncviewer even has the -via parameter you can use to make creating the tunnel seamless.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 41 points 10 months ago

Reminds me of the programs that make the kernel drop FS buffers in an attempt to free up RAM. Or hog as much memory as they can in an attempt to have unused things swapped to disk. Yeah, they free up RAM all right, but at the expense of actual speed.

Most of the time, this junk is actively harmful. Forget it, modern Linux uses optimized defaults.

You can get more performance out of your hardware by switching to from heavyweight to lightweight programs - for example, instead of Skype (which uses Electron), choose some other way to chat like irssi for IRC. Instead of Gnome, choose i3 or dwm or something like that. You need a bunch of tradeoffs and learning, though, to really get the most out of your hardware.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 11 points 10 months ago

In Linux, the locate command is crazy fast. I am amazed at how slow search is in Windows, compared to this.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 70 points 11 months ago

Environments are per-process. Every program can have its own environment, so don't inject secrets where they're not needed.

I'm using bubblewrap to restrict access to FS.

submitted 11 months ago by cizra@lemm.ee to c/mildlyinteresting@lemmy.world

A fern is a plant. A plant is supposed to get pollinated by bees and whatnot. Yet ferns have sperm swimming around and fertilizing the lady-bits of other fern.

Mind blown.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 19 points 11 months ago

Most of modern music sounds horrible. Elevators and shopping malls would be better off silent than blasting this noisome garbage.

There are exceptions - there totally are modern composers creating quality stuff. It's just not played anywhere in public places, for some reason.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 38 points 11 months ago

I agree with other comments here (about quality, cost of growing, availability, difficulties and especially with tomato varieties being optimized for convenient commercial farming, not taste.

I'm gardening for psychological safety, myself.

When I was a kid, Soviet Union collapsed, economy was in chaos, and though I never went hungry, fancier food (like meat) was unavailable commercially, so we raised it, grew our potatoes and basic veggies. It was a ton of work.

At the moment, stores are full of yummies. However, I can imagine them yummies disappearing - there was a brief food scare at the beginning of Covid (or whenever it was), then the Ukraine war started, scaring the whole Eastern Europe into thinking "Hey, my country is not too different from Ukraine - can we be next?"

Thus we bought a farm, last year, and started a basic garden. Last year we planted some basic foodstuffs - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic. Two kinds of mint for tea. They produced next to nothing, though. This year, it's more tomatoes, more cucumbers, potatoes, a selection of different herbs. The mints are perennial, and they're crazy weeds - you wouldn't be able to get rid of the beastly things if you wanted to. The yields are OK - I counted around 10 mid-sized potatoes grown from 1 large-sized potato planted, for something like 3x ROI (sample size: 1 plant, the rest keep growing). Tomatoes are sweet and tastier than anything.

You'll ask if it's worth the effort. Now I have a summer home (yet with a fiber optic network connection, yum!), for kids to run around in. I invest minor effort and minor funds (except for the farm, heh, hand tools are inexpensive), getting some food that I need to acquire anyway. Growing foodstuffs is linearly scalable. In the possible event of dung-ventilation, I'll have land, hand tools, and some basic proficiency in growing stuff. Thus it's like prepping, without really spending any money. Anything I buy will get used to grow food and recoups costs within the season. Oh, and I'm getting some badly needed exercise, spading my plant beds.

I don't have a plan for the case of zombie invasion (or hungry mobs spilling out of large cities), except being in the middle of nowhere. I'm hoping this scenario won't come to pass. If it does - the hypothetical robbed me won't be any worse off than a city dweller, either.

That reminds me - I should call my neighbor and order a tractor trailer full of bullshit (that's 15 tons, IIRC), costing 200€. I can pay now, get it here, and let it ripen for a couple of years.

[-] cizra@lemm.ee 27 points 11 months ago

There's plenty of good advice in other comments in this topic. Let me add mine too, something I haven't seen in other comments: You need to figure out your threat model, and steer your course accordingly.

Who do you trust?

  • No one? Don't use a computer. Use an airgapped computer without any internet connection. Write your own OS (but be mindful of bootstrapping issues, you'll also need to write your own compiler to protect against Thompson's hack). It's a hassle.
  • Original authors of software? Compile and install all software from source. Consider using LFS. It's a hassle.
  • Maintainers of my operating system of choice? Only install packages from official package repositories (apt in Debian, pacman in Arch, you know the drill). Eschew any others, like PPA in Ubuntu, AUR in Arch. Though package maintainers don't necessarily review any package updates, there's a chance they just might. Though package maintainers are in the position to inject backdoors during packaging, this is somewhat unlikely as packaging scripts tend to be small and easy to review.

What risky activities are you doing?

  • Running random crap software downloaded from the internet?
    • Run it in a virtual machine. It's easy to install another Linux into a VM - you could try VirtualBox or qemu or libvirt or some other one.
    • Containerize it with Docker, or run it in Firejail or Bubblewrap
      • Don't mount your home directory, or anything other important into the container. Instead, if you need to pass data, use a dedicated directory.
      • It's easy to restrict internet access to a program, when running it in Docker or Bubblewrap.
  • Running the same as root? I'm pretty sure a full virtual machine would be the only secure option to do that, and I'm 100% certain even that would be enough.
  • Running large software that probably ought to be OK, but you never know for certain? This is what I normally do:
    • Use the Flatpak version, if available. Check its permissions (e.g. with Flatseal), you might be able to tighten the screws. For example, a browser (yes, Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium are available as Flatpaks. Even Chrome is) is plenty large enough for any number of security bugs to hide in. Or a backdoor, which might be crafted to be indistinguishable from a honest bug.
    • If there's no Flatpak version available, I Bubblewrap it.

I have a simple Bash script that restricts apps' view of my filesystem, and cuts off as much stuff as possible, while retaining the app's ability to run. Works with Wayland and console apps, optionally with Xorg apps if I set a flag. Network access requires its own flag.

I could share my Bubblewrapping script, if there's interest.

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