Dammit I fell for the "Ja(ck)son Hi(c)(n)k(el)(le)" again. Was wondering why you were sad about it and why the hell the Degrowth but pretty solidly anti-imperialist guy was getting involved directly in interviewing Ansrallah. If only, though. If only

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 19 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This also unecessarily pisses me off too much. Every time I hear someone say that whiskey makes them particularly worse, I want to scream screm-a

Drink less volume because percentage is higher. If that's not possible, that's not Whiskey's fault, you're just not able to control yourself and should adjust your habits (of course I'm not speaking about alcoholism, that's different. This is people who drink socially but turn to assholes)

Well I hate that emoji now lol

Is it gonna be that strict? I imagined it being slightly more reasonable tbh, like a "whoops don't make it a habit" thing.

Should've :vote:d I guess

What the fuck is hat last one? I recognize the mythology part, the one titan (Kronos?) eating that Zeus. But the other parts are mysteries to me

I personally enjoy a little tasteful mixing just to make our news threads a little more flavorful. I invite our trans comrades to sometimes keep us in the loop on how gender is going within this thread too.

Keep the trans megathread as the powerful gender-posting, but let us in this thread have a bit of fun too

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 37 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Totalling a high-tech plane is easy as shit. I have no knowledge about explosives and such, but I do know that scratches a few kilometers deep on multiple locations make such aircraft unusable without absurd costs for fixing

I meant milimeters :denguin:

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Lol well I hadn't gotten a workable answer for the problem yet so now at least I havea another option :D

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 55 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Jesus Christ your example is the single most impressive war in history(edit: actually don't wanna take away from the Korean comrades or Angolan comrades or vietnamese comrades, they also did amazing) and blaming the General leading it for not being one of the soldiers?? Fuck me, that's such a terrible example. I'm one of the 70-30 good-bad people on Stalin, which is about 50 percent better than any westen leader ever. But you chose like the literal best thing he ever did that can be attributed at least significantly to him.

He managed to not only keep the Germans waiting too long (where soviets were then able to build up their military during the war to lead to their success) but also pull the rest of the world into the war to their assistance (diplomacy and manoeuvering). Otherwise I don't think western countries would've actually stopped the Nazi's tbh, or even tried to help.

Of course the millions of dead soviets did the work and died under Stalin. And the rest of the population was saved by the sacrifice and Stalin mourned and celebrated them despite not being on the front lines.

No but it does clearly show prioritization when the 2 conflict, which is the point of contention (as well as using coal at all, if you give a shit about our planetary environment)

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 63 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think where you are deviating from the wider hexbear opinion here, and also where I think you're wrong, is based in a belief that precedents are meaningful first off. Before this war was even thought about, these realities were already clear to all powerful people in the world. Acting from the basic material assumptions (and proving that they are ALREADY true) is not making them true. Not having nukes has been a death sentence to countries (eventually, without socialism) since the moment the first one existed. This war doesn't impact that nor how rational global actors work. The ability to do "naked aggression" literally never went away, it was just hidden in plain sight with shitty western justifications. Every world power understood this well before this war, and their rational/justifications won't be impacted. Only new material conditions to work from will arise. Russia's loss or success actually only would give 1 major new piece of info to the world: is it possible to offensively take in the Imperial core indirectly without the result being total destruction of yourself? That's what we're going to learn. We learned from Korea and Vietnam that fighting defensively can work. We learned from middle eastern imperial wars that guerilla struggle is possible to slowly tire out the US.

We will Also learn small details about fighting and material and weapons and strategy, of course. But the worldwide impact is literally just "is it possible to defend yourself from US interests WITH OFFENSE?"

Also I agree with CyborgMarx, best case scenario is Donbas is free to choose to be Russian along with Crimea and Ukraine is forced to reckon with its right wing, fascistic side by being stuck between NATO and Russia after a loss


Can't figure out a goddamn way to send money for food or gift card or whatever to someone using Euros. Insert Stalin quote about hunger not waiting. Anyone got a nice way? Or a way at all? Like do i have to use fuckin Bitcoin?

Any help appreciated

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