Not for lack of trying.

Did we all just memory hole that he tried to start a war with Iran this year?

That mindset about "everyone deep down wanting what they think is best for the world" is a baby brained attitude you must grow out of.

At the very least, because it isn't true. But more importantly, because it doesn't matter.

I imagine lib girl doesn't feel this way about the unarmed people the cops shoot in the street. Were they all bad people on the inside?

There's no way to convince someone out of this, it's literally a form of immaturity. They have to see evil directly in front of them to truly understand.

In defense of people who believed this, they were thousands of years away from anything being better on earth.

Like imagine living through the decline of a brutal slave empire, which took centuries to fully collapse, and the thing that replaced it was fucking internecine Feudal warfare for another millennia.

Unironically, whether you can stomach all the atrocities that happened afterwards or not, until the rise of Islam and its golden age, you would be pretty justified in thinking the world was never going to be better than it was in an age when most people were still utterly miserable.

Normally, I'd agree, but being an author/squatting on your own IP is arguably a barely evil way to earn a billion dollars. I don't even think she tried. She could've made 5mil if like half a million people bought her book, and is like 100 times that easy.

The only surplus value she exploited was like maybe publishers, editors, and movie royalties. Plenty of people do that and then go on to lead pretty cool lives, or at least don't become so fucking vile. You don't need to be evil to write a children's book, usually the opposite.

Like you'd think someone with that kind of imagination could think of all kinds of ways to do awesome shit with their money. Why even fucking touch Twitter?

I do not understand the drive that makes people take their bigotry and make it the focal point of their entire personality and life.

Like, bitch, you have billions of fucking dollars. Why can't you just enjoy your life and fuck off forever?


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