Dear Soldiers, It is Christmas and you are far from home, suffering from cold not knowing when you will die. The big shots are home enjoying themselves, eating good food, drinking good liquor, why should you be here risking you life for their profits? The Koreans and Chinese don't want to be your enemies. Our enemies and yours are those who sent you here and destroyed your happiness. Soliders! Let's join hands! You belong back home with those who love you and want you back, safe and sound. So we wish you...

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/sports@hexbear.net

not anyone can sport the 7 on their jersey

submitted 3 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I just very recently completed an almost-full set of glass armor (higher tier light armor). The only thing that isn't glass is the helmet, which is elven (next best thing)

Now, how did I get all this stuff?

I decided to join the fighter's guild a bit late in my playthrough, (level 20) and one of the first mission was to handle a bunch of burglars who were stealing from some shop owner (which is based if you ask me, this game's universe feels like a Liberty Hangout staff member's wet dream but that's material for another post).

So I spend the night in his shop, and went the loading screen fades away, what do I see? Three peons wearing fucking glass and Elven armor sneaking around behind one another. Absurd. Their leader was the one who had the Elven helmet, with the horns and all. Later in the quest you learn that these guys were ex employees from shop owner. They were probably stealing from him because they were poor. Explain to how in the hell does it make sense that three piss poor burglars are wearing the best set of standard armor in the game.

The reason behind this is that the overall level of the game scales along with the player. This is made so that the game is always a challenge to the player, but never too hard to beat. It's a game mechanic choice, and a bad one if you ask me. Which is probably the reason Skyrim works differently, thank god. The whole purpose of games like Oblivion is that you start off weak, grind yourself to higher and higher levels and then start to feel more and more powerful, unlock more effective gear and so on. How am I supposed to feel powerful when a simple shitty goblin from a beginner level quest can potentially kill me if I'm not careful enough, even if I'm wearing good tier armor after 50 hours playing? And even if they don't kill me, they'll still be a pain in the ass to slay because they will have so much HP, and the only way for me to kill them fast is to use my magical equipment, which will deplete it's charge, which will cost a small fortune to recharge. Also spells suck.

I'm so looking forward to moving onto Skyrim.

[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

r/chapotrap house really was the boogeyman of Reddit

I remember searching "chapo" merely hours before the ban, and all the results that showed up were "proofs" indicting chapo, while in reality it just made the sub look even cooler

Like in that thread "chapotraphouse users inciting violence and murder" and all the posts linked were just chapo saying we should kill slave owners. Lmao

submitted 4 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net
[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 0 points 4 years ago

I mean, the pirates get to return to being happy little illegals, and the one Revolutionary guy gets put to jail where he can't hurt anyone but at least he's with his love interest. The show literally ends with him kissing his lover in jail, with an uplifting music. Looks pretty much like a lib happy ending to me. I'm not saying they should have gone for the complete revolutionary victory of the pirates, but at least having an ambiguous ending like "the pirates are still going strong and one day will conquer the world" would have been nice. But I guess that would be putting ideas in some people's heads. They also could have gone waaaaay further with the "freeing slaves" thing. More slaves should have been freed and more slave owners should have been killed. But maybe this would have resulted in their subreddit getting nuked lol

[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

Excellent show, too bad the ending was lib as fuck

submitted 4 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

In some of my videos, I talk about how insurgency grows. Typically there's an incident in the security crackdown phase that brings out the combatants. They normally look just like what just happened.

submitted 4 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

The way they show you poor people get emotional and anxious over potentially winning or losing money that sometimes literally could mean LIFE to them. The way we casually show them on T.V as slaves of a cruel and nonsensical game whose rules are stupid, unfair and biased against them.

The way people can even somehow enjoy watching real life humans being ridiculed by an asshole in a suit that earns more money than any "player" could ever dream of having.

It's predatory, disgusting and a way of creating and weaponizing class contempt in the most passive of ways. Fuck Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

T.V is merely a way to sell our available brain time to advertisers. You don't need to read 1984 or Animal Farm or whatever anti communist text written by a snitch to see dystopia. Just push the button on the big screen in your living room and watch as thousands of brands try to convince you their product is the absolute way while utterly failing at accurately depicting actual humans. Because capitalism is everything but human.

submitted 4 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

This post was originally going to be titled "Why the FUCK would you be against looting", but I figured since I'm trying to talk to libs (if there's any on this site, jokes apart), maybe I should be a little more understanding. Anyway:

Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging anyone to do illegal shit, except in Minecraft of course. Do whatever you want with what you hopefully learn from this post.

Now, I get it you've probably been conditioned to think "stealing is bad", we all have. But, not exactly, actually.

"Stealing" in the mainstream meaning of the term, almost always defines either someone shoplifting from a supermarket, a burglar stealing shit from your house or someone on a motorbike snatching your purse in the streets. Let's take a look at the actors of each cases:

In the first one, the thief is an individual like you and I ; not a crazy rich person, and probably someone poor enough to risk their freedom in order to eat or make their kids happy (not trying to say you shouldn't feel upset if someone ever steals your shit. Shit sucks of course). In the second and third cases, it's, very often, a working class person stealing from another working class person (rich people are harder to reach ofc). In these cases as well, it is the idea of someone desperate enough to risk going to jail in order to make some bucks. I will talk about how the second and third cases are more condemnable than the first one even if more understanding later. For now let's focus on the semantics.

All of these examples refer to a case of active stealing: someone acts out of their way to acquire someone else's property. However in today's society, the most important, and most revolting cases of stealing are ones of passive stealing. (See my other post about physical and social violence to get a slightly better grasp on where I'm heading here).

When you work, you produce something, wether it be goods or services; and this something will then be bought for a sum of money; hence when you work, you produce value. And when you work an employed job, where you are entitled to a salary (which is close to 100% of what us folks do), you do not actually receive the fruits of your production as a salary. The money you receive is basically what your employer is ready to pay you so that you can survive to come to work another day. If you're in charge of more important stuff in the company you're working in, your wage will probably be higher, since your employer will want to have you on their side. But regardless, you NEVER get the fruits of your labor. Read Marx's Wage Labour and Capital if you're interested in learning more about what I just said). This right here is theft, wage theft: not only is your wage not related to what you produce, but it's not even equal to the value you've been producing. Here's an interesting video about the topic. It's a very educative piece that you should definitely watch wether you're already a leftist or not.

So, where does the rest of the value you've produced go? To your employer. And more precisely, to the shareholders, to the people who own the equipment, building, products and everything else you've used and has hosted you to produce value. Basically, the stuff used to produce is called capital, hence why capital owners are called capitalists; Elon Musk is a capitalist, Bill Gates is a capitalist, your neoliberal cousin who thinks people should die for corporate profit is not (and obviously Karl Marx was not a capitalist, Elon Musk doesn't know whay that word even means lol). Part of it is re-invested in the production (buying better machines, more cost efficient products), but most of it goes to shareholders' profit ; to sum up: most of the value you produce goes to someone else's pocket.

This theft, right here, is the reason some people such as Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates are as rich. Stealing the value you produce.

So to go back to the main point of this post, if you're pissed when some poor people steal shit in order to survive, you should be even more pissed when already rich people steal actual production value from people who work hard without doing anything except owning shit. Oh sure you might say "CEOs and business men actually work a lot!". Sure. Depends what you call working. If it's watching a stock exchange graph all day long, I'm pretty sure it's way less exhausting than what Amazon workers go through (and doing this doesn't actually produce any value anyway). Regardless, no amount of actual work can earn you a fucking billion dollars, let alone several.

Wage theft is not even the most blatant kind of theft by rich people. I.e fiscal fraud, billionaires refusing to pay taxes for the benefit of the community and rich people stealing from public funds.

So, why shouldn't you be against shoplifting or looting? Well, unlike stealing from another poor person, in this case, the only ones to potentially lose money are a bunch of already rich af shareholders, who got rich by stealing the value you produce when working.

Plus, the argument of "looting" is almost always used as a way to dismiss protesters demands and deny their legitimacy, but do not be fooled. Fox News and MSNBC (and even CNN lmao let's not kid ourselves) will always find a way to make protesters look bad, by either lying or focusing their news reports on one even of the protests, like the burning of a trash bin, instead of literally everything else. Why? Because they are not your allies. As people of the working class (and whether you want it or not), mainstream medias serve the interest of big corporations and of the Status Quo, thus, they are not comitted to serving your interests.

So fuck this. You should not feel like you got anything to prove to the people in suits you see on TV, to Trump, to Biden or anyone else who works in politics. You do not want their approval, because these people are not your allies. A bunch of people want to steal shit from Walmart? Let them. If Walmart decides to fire their employees after this, that's Walmart's fault. Walmart isn't firing the employees of one of their looted shops because they feel like these employees are responsible, they're doing this in order to make an example of these employees, and to make you feel like the protesters' and looters' action are wrong. Because, if at the end of the day, the only one hurt is Walmart's board of shareholders, people may actually stop caring about rich people's property being destroyed. Firing your staff after your shop has been looted is an act of class warfare. Be mad at Walmart, not at protesters or looters.

Okay, so this was long as fuck and went in too many different directions, but I hope I did get the point accross. Have a nice Monday and support the folks in Chicago's streets. If I forgot anything feel free to leave a comment scolding me.

submitted 4 years ago by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

In case you're wondering why he'd admit to that, his first tweet in this thread was "Trump is very bad because he sucked at overthrowing Maduro and thus empowered an evil dictatorship"

Drumpf=Putin=Communist energy

[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 2 points 4 years ago

Dessalines is the one OG developer who created the Lemmy framework, based on leftist principles and FOSS (free open source software). It's thanks to him that we even had a vague idea of where to go, after Reddit banned /r/ChapoTrapHouse. in other lib terms, he the boss

Guys wish Dennis Prager a happy birthday!:-) (dennis-birthday-card.pagedemo.co)
submitted 4 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net
[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

No it didn't tf

Kill slave owners (hexbear.net)
submitted 4 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by cummunist@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

edit: this post has gained a lot of traction over the course of the last three months so I believe some clarification is needed

this title is indeed a land of contrast, and i think the following statement should do a better job at voicing what I really meant with this post:

people who think they can own one or several human beings and treat them as their property or capital do indeed deserve to die, preferably sooner than later, and not of natural causes; helping accelerate this process by loading a rifle with ammunition, pointing it at a slave owner and pulling the trigger is a good idea and should be done when possible. hopefully this clarified the stuff

The post that announces the death of Henry Alfred Kissinger better overtake this one as the most upvoted post.

edit:edit:The killing slavers fandom is dying! Upbear to murder a plantation owner right now!

[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 4 points 4 years ago

Congrats to you for launching the project and thanks for making an account here! Hopefully the chapo community and you guys can achieve something great together.

[-] cummunist@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

Feels weird being on this site and not having to try every weird shit to break it

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