[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

I wonder if conservatives feel personally responsible for persecuting lgbtq folks or their role as staunch defenders of legalized pedophilia in the form of child marraige. Maybe the systemic and pervasive racism they've baked into our country and legal system? Oh that's a feature not a bug?

This is such an amazing premise that seems to have absolutely zero grounding in reality. They should have tested the concept of "ignorance is bliss", because there is a whole of that going around and I could see it as a legitimate reason why they may in a mental health capacity be healthier.

When you are aware of the realities of the world they can take a psychological toll. It does make for a weird combination when you look at their overall "everyone is out to get you so you should hate everyone not like you" mentality, but at least they aren't worried about their countrymen pulling a civil war or any semblance of the realty of global warming or major health crisis like say a pandemic.

The idea that conservatives feel any capacity of responsibility for their political actions is just laughable. They would sooner shift blame than consider their ideology has any cracks. Faith doesn't allow them to consider they might be wrong and any information to the contrary is just fake news.

Now hold on they need to go vote for a guy that used the pandemic to try to kill his political rivals voters and then lied about losing the election to spark a coupt attempt to attempt to overthrow the duely elected government. They feel so responsible for it they are doing everything to play it down and pretend it didnt happen. But also they are the most patriotic people and don't forget that.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

"I saw the cross and it struck a nerve. When I think of those men in those dresses molesting children... I saw red, white, and blue... and I knew I needed to stand up for those children's freedom from this den of paedophiles"

This is the news story I'm waiting for. If only the people larping as protectors of children knew the call was coming from inside their own house of worship.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

Sure champ. The dnc wasn't leaning on the scales hillary was just such a good candidate that she lost to Trump. It's imperative you maintain that ideal otherwise you might come to the realization that you're part of the problem.

Trump would have likely handed Bernie his ass without breaking a sweat

He had a much better chance than "it's her turn" Hillary and her baggage. The problem is he actually has a history of helping people and speaks truth to power, contrary to the interests of the DNC and Corporate democrats like ole Hill. He doesn't bring in that sweet lobbying money from the ultra wealthy, just small donations actually indactive of voter support. It's why Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was giving Bernie debate questions ahead of time, to help him out... oh right that was Hillary that needed the help... because the dnc chose the candidate they wanted and needed to solidify it by any means.

Either way the reality is the DNC has shown it is incapable of being impartial, and that the whole thing is kabuki nonsense to make you think you have a choice in "choosing" the peice of shit they want you to pick. The DNC is controlled opposition for the wealthy to be able to maintain control on both sides. Not like any sane person is going to vote republican... so they limit options to only the shit sandwich while expecting you to thank them for forcing you to eat it then they bitch when nobody is excited about the shit sandwich.

Then here you are "well of course MY shit sandwich was the only choice and if THEY couldn't have won, clearly no other sandwich could have come close so stop asking to try another fucking sandwich." The dishonesty here is just fucking pathetic, but to admit otherwise would be to invite criticism for handing Trump his '16 victory, more so than is already done.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

The game is what you make of it. I just did some international travel and put 16 hours in during off times using my steam deck. Aside from one game close and some graphic particles on the gun being weird until weapon swap, played like a charm.

I just pushed into the main quest line after ignoring it for 13 hours because I found fun shit to do that kept me busy. I'm having a blast and am looking forward to playing some more.

If rando quests and exploration are your thing you may really enjoy this game. The story isn't super engaging yet but I'm not far as noted. Ready to do some more exploration after some jet lag wears off haha.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

DA should be charged as an accessory. Sex crimes aren't typically an isolated event, especially when the perpetrator gets away with it the first time.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

He should be given the longest sentence he tried to foist on an innocent. Marijuana convictions get longer time than this sack of shit did for actually ruining multiple lives.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

Sounds like our Agriculture industry. The people that unironically cry socialism when kids get free school lunch and shit...

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

"We only care about the well-being of [property in] this city and its safety [for those with wealth, influence and/or the right shade of skin].”

Corrected it.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Don't they have significant forces in Africa still?

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

And the police that protect them.

[-] deadtom@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Just the current republican front runner. The republican party of criminals, white supremacists and traitors needs to be reminded that nobody is above the law.

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