Zelenskyy is a bamf, idk what his domestic politics are like but he is doing everything he can in his position to win. He's clearly trolling Trump to make him look weak and Trump is so fucking stupid it might work.
60% of the time it works all the time.
I found this bullshit out too recently.
I have never heard this before. What would be some good things to look up for more info?
Sure, but we are a long way from not being dependent on oil even by the most aggressive timelines. Destroying a significant amount of oil infrastructure while we still use it would cripple supply chains, transportation, etc and we wouldn't be able to move to renewable sources as quickly because there would be significantly fewer resources available.
Like I said, I'm fully supportive of moving away from oil because I know how damaging it is. But I just don't see a realistic way to get rid of oil that quickly.
I understand the dangers of climate change and pollution and I fully support moving away from oil as an energy source. But I'm genuinely curious about how you see destroying oil infrastructure playing out.
Makita. Best tools that aren't stupid expensive.
Yup! I only agree with Lee on Middle East policy and a handful of other points, but holy shit does she seem to have integrity.
I hate Adam Schiff so much, he's so condescending and punchable.
+1 for Kagi. Their mobile webpages are a delight to use also.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about NATO, membership should never have been up to a single person.
Not a whole lotta substance in all that text.