I meam the reboots of wolfenstien caused outrage too. Specifically I remember wolfenstien the new colossus causimg outrage when it had the tagline "Make america nazi free again" or something to that effect.
I remember someone awhile ago described him as a rich guy giving away life changing amounts of money so long as the pesents dance for him.
Hi, I'm the creator of /r/baduibattles, and one of the mods of !bad_ui_battles@programming.dev if anyome here would like to submit terrible UI here
Theres a reason the dog post got so much traction on linkedin.
Anyone out of the loop the dog pist says:
"Yesterday I was walking to an interview. There was a starving dog on the road. I stopped to feed him & missed the interview. The next day I got a call asking to come in to do the interview. I was surprised, but I went. Then the interviewer came in. He was the dog."
I found the poster on the birdsite, and from what I've seen of their pictures. No way is the subject them. The poster has way too long of hair for none of it to be visible in the photo.
Though having looked at their twitter, I am not surprised they said that about a stranger.
Yeah, this might be it. For anyone not aware, every browser on iOS is just safari with a different skin and some plugins to work with whatever ecosystem you actually are trying to use.
The biggest problem I think people have with loss is it is a huge tonal and emotional shift from the rest of the comic series.
The guy is a really annoying tone deaf weirdo who only cares about games for the longest time. A lot of the punchlines ib the comics were "violence". Finally gets a GF, and treats her kinda poorly on the comic, and then bam loss comes out. It feels a bit like whiplash and is trying to be serious and sad when it never was serious or sad, but """"zany"""" and non consiquential.
The C&H people don't fucking pull punches and I love it. A few weeks ago when elmo rebranded twitter he asked people for a new logo and a C&H artist replied with the confederate flag
LTT has or had a rabid fan base. I expect that if she talked out before the backlash, then the backlash would be against her. So yeah, it makes sense to strike while the iron is hot.
A few years back I remarked that Linus always came off like a bit of a douchebag. I was at the time heavily downvoted, but holy fuck. This is worse than I expected.
Not the person you asked, but she's a scientologist.
Remember, if you know anything about this guy, NO YOU FUCKING DON'T.