Lol, a car industry that hasn't innovated in years is suddenly threatened by innovation. Still, fuck cars. We should make them nigh obsolete with better public transport.
I lived with people who would have full political debates with a tooth brush in their mouth and the tap on.
Why does it matter how much I use? Agriculture uses 20 times more than I do!
Said after a tossing half their food away...
If Apple supports any "right to repair" bill, it's probably not entirely what you want.
Hopefully people in India are spreading the world of Linux. Blessed they be.
"Fuck you, I got mine" turns into "Fuck, they got mine".
Maybe voting just for soi and against vous wasn't that clever after all? Will they stop voting Republican?
Vote for right wingers and this is what you get.
The danger would be important entities like governments and banks using attestation. Then you'd be limited to using only Chrome, Safari and Edge, and Firefox could kiss its ass goodbye.
Weren't these the same people that didn't want to help out Ukraine?
The reactions are so... reddit-ey:
I always knew it
I fee so gratified
It's what I've been saying all along
and all that stuff.
Both sides do awful things. Everyone should stop.
But let's be honest here, the area didn't belong to the zionists for a really long time. The international community forced Palestinians off of their land and for a good 70 years Palestinians they have suffered. Zionists should not have been given the means to invade the Palestinians.