I managed to register today. Did you recieve the mail eventually?
bell hooks is the only feminist writer I've read and felt valued as a person.
Jag har haft samma problem. Som jag förstått det så första gången man söker så börjar det synka mellan servrarna, men det visas bara som "no results". För mig tog det två dagar innan denna gemenskap dök upp som sökresultat, till exempel. Så försök söka på "spel" lite då och då för att se om det synkat färdigt?
How much automation do you envision? Do you mean a "word search", the one with a grid of letters and you have to find words going horizontally or vertically etc?
Bor ni i en stad eller på landet? Man kan göra saker utan så mycket prestige, som att hyra en badmintonbana en timme bara för att det är kul att spela badminton exempelvis. Biblioteken brukar ha lappar uppsatta för evenemang som man annars aldrig tänkt på, testa-på saker. Man kan baka, geocacha eller paddla kanot med. Vad tycker ni om att göra?
Jag hade stora problem att hitta denna gemenskap/community från min hem-instans, och när jag försökte posta något låste det sig. Jag hoppas att vad det än var för problem så blir det smidigare med tiden.
Having the same issue with some remote communities. I've been trying to access !chatt@feddit.nu for some time.
Maybe this isn't relevant, but a couple of days ago I created !tex_typesetting@lemmy.sdf.org. I used to hang out on r/LaTeX but since my main interest is plain TeX I thought I'd make a place for all TeX formats and not LaTeX specifically. It's not intended as a replacement for anything though.
The usual answer for Sweden is "The Emigrants" (Utvandrarna) by Vilhelm Moberg. However, and I don't think this is obvious to foreign readers, the author John Ajvide Lindqvist really writes about Sweden. He's most famous for the book "Let the right one in" about a vampire kid, but the story is actually about growing up as a young boy in Sweden. The horror aspect is part of the genre, but all his books manage to mix a description of swedish society with a supernatural horror element.
No worries, I'm not a native speaker either. I think I know what you mean :) And, I would do the same. In one of his books, Tschichold points out that the center white "column" should be optically the same width as the outer margins, i.e. when you open the book or binder, however it is bound or put together, it's the visual impression that matters, not the millimeters on a loose page. Very few books open completely flat.
For that reason the page usually has a binding correction distance, which is added to the inner margin. If the binding "steals" 1cm, one must add that to the margin, at least. And to the page width if you are trimming the page after printing.
If you fold the papers into folded bundles or signatures, then there's also a tiny amount of creep that can be adjusted, because the outer layers of the bundle/signature will have a rounded shape at the spine while the innermost has a crisp fold. But that's maybe being pedantic. I have a macro for creep correction but honestly I've never actually used it.
At first the margins feel very large, but it has grown on me, and I'm using this layout in my current project.
What can we (ordinary users) do to help? I'm in Europe, would it be better if I used the SDFeu server as my home instance?